Katalog Produk

Large Volume Ultrasonic Cleaner with Generator
Large Volume Ultrasonic Cleaner with Generator[17 Dec. 2009, 9:18:26]
HargaRp -
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanUnit
Negara AsalKorea Selatan


  Useful for Cleanning to Remove Dirt, Grease, Waxes and
Oil from all Lab Instruments by Ultrasonic Frequency.
  remote Generator : Power control and timer function
with LCD display
  BTL sonicator installed : Robust and stable running
  Sweep function : can realize complete cleaning by the
dispersion of Ultrasonic
  Auto Optimization of frequence as varial of water level
and temperature.
  Foot switch control
  HF-Frequency : Up to 40kHz
  Temperature range from ambient to 110
  Supply Full set : Lid, Foot switch, Generator
( except basket)
  PL( Product Liabilit) Insurance

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