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SNB 100 - the smallest Memmert steriliser
SNB 100 - the smallest Memmert steriliser[6 Dec. 2009, 0:45:57]
HargaRp -
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Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanUnit
Negara AsalJerman


Absolutely safe sterilisation at 160 ° C to 180 ° C, as well as pyrogenicisation at 210 ° C

From very small to very large, our S sterilisers guarantee absolutely safe and reliable hot-air sterilisation of containers and instruments. Choose from:

* 9 model sizes ( 14l to 749l)
* 3 performance classes Basic/ Excellent/ Perfect
* Natural convection or forced air circulation N/ F

Leave nothing to chance when it comes to sterilisation. The indispensable safety feature for the E and P classes: Setpoint Wait. This means that the sterilisation time only begins when the set temperature has been reached. This feature can also be used with additional, freely positionable Pt100 temperature sensors. Here the sterilisation time only begins when the set temperature has been reached at all measurement points.

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