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Repro Sample Divider - Burkle
Repro Sample Divider - Burkle[28 Feb. 2010, 20:33:14]
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Negara AsalJerman


What use is the high precision of modern analytical systems in the ppb-range, if sampling and sample division are not carried out with the same degree of accuracy?

Inadequate sampling and sample division result in unsatisfactory and even incorrect analyses. These are worthless, or unnecessarily expensive, because faulty analyses can only produce incorrect results from which any conclusions obtained are â paid for dearlyâ .

Reliable information about the properties of particle systems involving powders, suspensions and emulsions are only possible if:

1. Representative cross-sectional samples are takenwith a suitable sampler.

2. The usually far too large amount of sample is reduced to a practical amount of sample while retaining exactly the original composition.

The Repro high-precision sample divider meets these demands for the first time, thereby setting a new standard worldwide. The patented vibration system of the Repro allows reproducible sample division with the highest degree of accuracy.

What is the difference between the Reproand conventional sample dividers?

In the Repro it is not just the feed channel that vibrates, but the complete distributor head. In this way samples, particularly poorly flowing substances such as lactose, are transported better in the vibrating distributor head. As in all great inventions, this is a small but crucial advantage which is why this principle has been patented! this new technique has decisive advantages if small, very small or toxic samples have to be divided and/ or the highest degree of accuracy is required for the sample division which must also be reproducible.This is why our sample divider is called Repro!

Customer-specific sample vessels

The Repro adapts itself to your requirements. You can use your usual sample tubes of all shapes and sizes ( max. diameter 30 mm, height 73 mm) . The sample tubes are simply inserted in the quick-action clamps of the distributor head.

Sample division in a fume cupboard

The sample divider and control unit are separate, which permits sample division in a fume cupboard, e.g. with toxic substances.

The protective cabin

allows sample division of toxic substances even without a fume cupboard in a safe room â for the protection of the operating personnel.

Cleaning function/ Residue removal

ensures residue-free emptying of the feed channel and distributor head and guarantees that the whole of the original sample amount is fed through the sample divider. Nothing is retained, which is the only way of ensuring that all of the original sample is contained in all the part-samples.

Vibration steplessly adjustable

The strength of vibration of the feed channel and distributor head can be set steplessly between 0% and 100% . This means that the material flow, depending on the flow behavior of the sample, can be controlled during the whole division process.

The predivider avoids agglomerates

Greasy or moist bulk materials tend to form agglomerates. These disturb the continuous flow of the sample in the feed channel, so sample division does not work accurately. The strong vibrating predivider destroys the agglomerates and provides a fully homogenuous structure. The predivider is an indispensable accessory if agglomerates must be divided. If a predivider is required then only the funnel needs to be replaced.

Laser diffraction

A typical field of application for the new Repro has been opened up in particle size analysis by laser diffraction spectroscopy, in which sample amounts of

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