Katalog Produk

ROOT SAMPLER,  Complete kit,  2 Meter Depth - SOILMOISTURE
ROOT SAMPLER, Complete kit, 2 Meter Depth - SOILMOISTURE[7 Feb. 2010, 22:47:03]
HargaSpecial Price
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Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & Pengiriman1 kit
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat


A complete root coring system. Plant rooting is one of the most important areas of plant health and there is no better way to gage this important plant feature than with a good set of root cores. The 192K1 provide all the equipment in one complete set. Using the extension capabilities allows you to take vertical core segments down to a depth of several meters. Such a set of rooting cores can provide vital data on layering effects on growth, determine consistency and uniformity of rooting with depth, and assess effects of groundwater, acidity or salinity. A real useful tool to benefit the researcher or the commercial consultant that needs visual verification of plant health symptoms related to root associated diseases and / or stress factors.

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