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PT. Watermart Perkasa

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Tahun ke-16
PT. Watermart Perkasa
PT. Watermart Perkasa
  • Katalog Produk


    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Cara Pembayaran:
    Transfer Bank (T/T), Tunai

    Keterangan :

    Qur Dry Anthracite Is Only 50 Pounds per cubic Foot Compared to 52 to 56 pound per cubic foot far wet product/ This difference means your purchase less product to fill the same amount of space in the filter.

    CEI Anthracite can manufacture anthracite with a Uniformity coefficiet as low as 1.3 the following chart shaws the advantage

    E.S U.C d90 Vmf

    ( mm) ( mm) gpm/ sq.ft

    CEI Anthracite 1/ 0 1.3 1.54 9.2

    Generic Coal 1.0 1.6 2.2 16.4

    CEI Anthracite is an established reliable an-time suppier of exact specifications.CEI anthracite' s sophisticated processing facility enables us to produce filter media in quantities and quality that will surpasses most media sizing manufacture

    NSF Approwed Exceed AWWA Standard

    For more information, visit : http: / /

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