Anggota Gratis
TOKO ALAT SURVEY " ADHI " 021-71601997 / 71458381 Compas, altimeter, clinometer, theodolite, water pas, total station, GPS, Measuring wheel, inclinometer
TOKO ALAT SURVEY  " ADHI  " 021 71601997 / 71458381 Compas,  altimeter,  clinometer,  theodolite,  water pas,  total station,  GPS,  Measuring wheel,  inclinometer
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GArmin Radar GMR 18
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Cara PembayaranTunai
Jumlahready stock
Kemas & Pengirimanunit
Negara AsalTaiwan
Get Powerful Performance
GMR 18 is a 4 kilowatt radar with 36 nm range. At 18 inches in diameter, it is twice as powerful as most other radars in its size and price range. Combine that with the antenna’s 5.0° beamwidth, and you’re looking at the best weather penetration and target definition in its class.

To help you avoid traffic on the water, the GMR 18 provides MARPA target tracking, which allows you to track the bearing, course, speed and predicted closest approach of up to 10 targets. And like all Garmin radars, GMR 18 has self-contained signal processing, which provides you with a more precise, easy to read signature.
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