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Testindo ( Testing,  Measuring,  Recording,  Data Wireless Specialist)Testindo ( Testing, Measuring, Recording, Data Wireless Specialist)
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Tn. Fikri [Pemasaran]

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Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B
Jakarta 13430, Jakarta

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Katalog Produk

Jasa inspeksi teknis, jasa pengujian dan monitoring vibrasi dan diagnosa permesinan[30 May. 2011, 22:16:46]
HargaBased on enquiry
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanCustomized solution
Negara AsalIndonesia
Machinery Vibration and Diagnosis services
* To check vibration on rotating machinery such as generators, automobile engines, pumps;
* Testing the vibration at Genset, Pump, Engine,
* Test and observe the impact of balancing on a machinery to vibration;
* Detecting or show damage to the bearing, not a single shaft axis, the conditions of damage to other components through the measurement without stopping the machine operation;
* Studying the development of engine vibration from day to day ( online monitoring) ;
* Vibration Testing on a lathe, milling machine vibration test on the test, engineering structure, record the material things, and tests that lasted for months, online monitoring without disabled;
* Vibration test on the equipment and equipment;
* Determine the selection of bearings, the measure, the life-time bearings, welding, other bearings;
* Inspection and trouble shooting on equipment and distribution of electric power generation ( generators, transformers, transmission equipment including help him) ;
* Inspection of machinery and plant equipment ( turbine blades, pipes rapidly, the main door etc) .

Address: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B
Telp. + 62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611449
Fax : + 62-21-8611 207.
EMAIL : sales@
Website :
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