Eddy current testers, systems for crack detection & flaw detection – hardness testers, structure testers, zero defect testing.
Crack detection & flaw detection engines, crack detections transmissions and drive train components.
Crack detection & flaw detection valve and power train system
Crack detector & flaw detection steering, crack detector chassis and suspension system
Crack detector & flaw detection for safety systems, crack detection airbags, crack detection seat belts
Crack detection & flaw detection bearings, crack detector bearing components
Crack detector & flaw detection gears, crack detection shafts, crack detector fasteners.
Crack detector & flaw detection forged, crack detection cast parts
Crack detection & flaw detection hard metals, crack detector precision stamped parts.
Structure test of engines, Structure test of transmissions and structure testing of drive train components.
Structure testing valve and power train system
Structure testing of steering, structure tester of chassis and suspension system
Structure testing for safety systems, structure testing airbags, structure testing seat belts
Structure testing bearings, structure testing bearing components
Structure testing gears, structure testing shafts, structure testing fasteners.
Structure testing forging, structure testing cast parts
Structure testing hard metals, structure testing precision stamped parts.
Zero defect testing of crack and structure of logam spare part otomotif.
Teknologi alat pengujian untuk pendeteksian struktur logam & pendeteksian keretakan logam, baik di dalam permukaan dan di luar permukaan dengan cepat dan murah
PT. Taharica – Jakarta.