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Gearheads on Oriental Motor

Gearheads on Oriental Motor

Oriental Gear Head :
Manufacture Model Number Description Quantity
Oriental Motor 2GA150K Gear Head 3
Oriental Motor 2GN18K Gear Head 2
Oriental Motor 2GN30K Gear Head 1
Oriental Motor 2LB50N-1 linear head 1
Oriental Motor 2RK6GN-AT Motor 2
Oriental Motor 3GK30K Gear Head 2
Oriental Motor 3GK9KA Gear Head 2
Oriental Motor 3GN7.5K Gear Head 2
Oriental Motor 3IK15RGK-AA 115 vac Speed Control Motor 5
Oriental Motor 4GA15KA Gear Head 2
Oriental Motor 4GK180A Gear Head 3
Oriental Motor 4GK60KA Gear Head 9
Oriental Motor 4GK60KA Gear Head 1
Oriental Motor 4GK6KA Gear Head 1
Oriental Motor 4GN25K Gear Head 1
Oriental Motor 51K40G-AUL Motor 1
Oriental Motor 51K40GK-A2 Motor 0
Oriental Motor 51K60GU-STF Induction Motor 2
Oriental Motor 5GD5K Gear Head 1
Oriental Motor 5GK3K Gear Head 2
Oriental Motor 5GN3K Gear Head 1
Oriental Motor 5GU5KB Gear Head 1
Oriental Motor 5GU6K Gear Head 3
Oriental Motor 5GU90K Gear head 2
Oriental Motor 5GU9K Gear Head 3
Oriental Motor 5IK40GK-AUL Motor 4
Oriental Motor 5IK90GU-ST(2)F Induction motor 1
Oriental Motor / Verta 5RK40GN-AM AC magnetic break motor 1
Oriental Motor 5TK20GK-AA 115 vac Torque Motor 5
Oriental Motor B0342-44 115 vac Induction Motor 11
Oriental Motor BMR590-511 Motor and Controller/Driver 1
Oriental Motor BSM315-411 Motor and Controller/Driver 1
Oriental Motor CH200UL-C motor capacitor 20uf, 200vac 8
Oriental Motor CH80NA Motor Capacitor 8uf, 250vac 2
Oriental Motor M425-201-C1 115 vac Speed Control Motor 3
Oriental Motor MBM540-411 Motor 1
Oriental Motor / Verta MC501416C Shaft Coupler 2
Oriental Motor MSP301N Speed Control Pack 3
Oriental Motor MSP301N Speed Control Pack 1
Oriental Motor MSS315-401 Motor and Controller/Driver 2
Oriental Motor MSS425-401 Motor and Controller/Driver 0
Oriental Motor / Verta OSD303U Stepping Driver 2
Oriental Motor / Verta OSD304U Stepping Driver 2 Phase 2
Oriental Motor / Verta PH268-21 2 phase stepping motor 0
Oriental Motor / Verta PH296-02 2 Phase Stepping Motor 0
Oriental Motor / Verta PH299-01 2 Phase Stepping Motor 0
Oriental Motor / Verta PK268-01A 2 Phase Stepping Motor 1
Oriental Motor SB31-IN-G3 Brake Pack 2
Oriental Motor SB32S-IN Brake Pack 2
Oriental Motor / Verta UD2115-G9 2 Phase Driver / Controller 1
Oriental Motor UDK5114NA 5-Phase Driver 1
Oriental Motor / Verta UDK5128N Controller/Driver 1
Oriental Motor / Verta UG6100S Pluse Generator 1
Oriental Motor / Verta UMD268-DO Motor and Controller/Driver 1
Oriental Motor / Verta UPD599H-A Stepping Motor and Driver /Controller 2
Oriental Motor / Verta UPK566-NAC 5 Phase Stepping Motor and Controller/driver 2
Oriental Motor / Verta UPK566-NAC Motor and Controller/Driver 2.

Kunjungi Web kami juga di :http//
Kontak Person : Sri dan Bpk. Muslim ( 08159072797 ).
Alamat : Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B.
Telp. +62-21-8611 131, 8611 259, 8611 444, 8611 449
Fax : +62-21-8611 207.
Website :

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Oriental Motor/ ....
Harga :
Kompetitif dan berkualitas


Spesialis menjual:
AC Motors & Gear motor
Induksi Motors
Reversibel Motors
Sinkron Motors,
Torque Motors.
Kedap air, Dust-Resistant Motors

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Harga :
Kompetitif dan bersaing

Tersedia bermacam- macam motor, inverter, PLC, reducer dengan harga- harga yang kompetitif.

Contac Person :
Kontak Person: Sri dan....

oriental speed....
Harga :

ORIENTAL MOTOR : Torque Motors, Watertight, Dust-Resistant Motors, Electromagnetic Brake Motors, Clutch & Brake Motors. Speed Control Systems, Brushless DC Systems, AC Motor....

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