Produk Terbaru
Penjelasan Ringkas

For years, Selekta has built a name and became known in our area as a renowned commercial platform; dealings include export, import, trading, representation and accompanying services to foreign companies wishing to deal with operators in the Tunisian, Libyan, Algerian and Mauritanian markets. This will be extended to the gulf zone as well.
In several sectors and through varied activities, Selekta has etched its name as a supplier of high quality products reflecting a mastery of knowledge related to business and an ability to widen the trade scope and multiply business opportunities.
Selekta is based on trust, confidence, understanding, and cooperation which guarantee success and preserve mutual interests.
Anda bisa mengklik "Info Perusahaan", "Katalog Produk", "Penawaran Dagang" dan "Hubungi Kami" untuk melihat isi dan informasi lain dari situs Selekta International.