Available Various Types, Sizes, and Brands of cable grounding stick, To Medium Voltage and Low Voltage, etc
Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang perdagangan Perlengkapan instalasi jaringan kabel listrik sambungan rumah SR- Tegangan Rendah TR dan Material jaringan tegangan menengah JTM. ....
Hot clamp stick pdkb merupakan alat Bantu dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan PDKB. Biasa digunakan oleh kalangan insan kelistrikan terutama untuk pekerjaan pada medium voltage. Alat ini sangat simple, aman....
Universal pruning saw adalah alat bantu memotong ranting atau dahan yang dikombinasikan dengan telescopic hot stick. Biasanya digunakan untuk pemeliharaan jaringan SUTM.
The voltage detectors, are for single-pole feed and are used to determine whether there is an operating voltage or not. Only to be used under dry conditions The voltage detectors comprise two ....
Available Various Types, Sizes, and Brands of telescopic hot stick, To Medium Voltage and Low Voltage, etc
Available Various Types, Sizes, and Brands of joint connector, To TM and TR, Connector, Joint Sleeve, bimetallic ( Al Cu) , copper ( Cu) , or Aluminum ( Al) , etc
Kabel skun long barrel tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran untuk pemasangan pada terminal kabel listrik
27 KV Design Voltage 100A Continous Current 12KA Interupting Capacity 125 KV BIL Standard IEC 265, IEC 282-2
Available Various Types, Sizes, and Brands of ladder fibreglass To Medium Voltage and Low Voltage, etc
400-630A 24 KV 3phases Load Break Switch manual operation , Standar PLN used outdoor. welcome any customer all
Scotch ® 23 Tape merupakan electrical tape berbasis EPR dengan ketebalan 0.76 mm, memberikan isolasi listrik yang tahan kelembaban.
Available Various Types, Sizes, and Brands of tap konektor tembus kedap air Low Voltage, etc
Available Various Types, Sizes, and Brands of solefuse To Medium Voltage and Low Voltage, etc
Available Various Types, Sizes, and Brands of Cable Skun, Cable Lug , terminal lug, To Medium Voltage and Low Voltage, Connector, Joint Sleeve, bimetallic ( Al Cu) , copper ( Cu) , or Aluminum ( Al) ....