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Wisma Mas Pondok Cabe Blok C3/1 Cinangka Sawangan
Depok 16516, Jawa Barat
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The OV5 homogenizer is the ideal solution for dispersing, homogenizing, mixing and grinding biological tissue samples ( cells, animal and plant tissues) , pharmaceutical products, ....
Autoclave HIRAYAMA HVE-50
Automatic Autoclave HIRAYAMA HVE-50
Main Features :
Hirayama' s HVE-50 Autoclave top-loading
autoclaves are labeled and distributed for
research use only. They are fully....
Rotary Evaporator
IKA RV 10 Basic Rotary Evaporator with integrated HB 10 heating bath is the base system of IKAÂ ® â � � s new rotary
evaporator line. The RV 10 basic is available with vertical....
Brookfield QTS-25 Texture Analyzer
Compression and Tension Testing for comprehensive analysis of mechanical behavior.
Features :
1. Available Load Cells 5-25 kg
2. Rugged & ....
Spectronic Genesys 10
The Thermo Scientific GENESYS 10
series includes affordable, easyto-
use, and reliable UV-Visible and
Visible-only spectrophotometers
designed to meet the requirements
Autoclave Steam Sterilizer
ALP Automatic Autoclave KT Series ( KT-23D / KT-23L / KT 30S / KT-30L)
Features :
> Automatic Operation
> Space-Saving Up-Opening Lid
> One Touch Setting of Sterilizing....
Moisture Balance
Moisture Balance digunakan untuk mengukur kadar air pada sample.
KERN Moisture Balance Model MLB 50-3. Dengan 2 halogen pemanas kaca kuarsa @ 200 watt , termasuk 10 piring sampel....
Incinerator adalah alat pembakar limbah medis yang digunakan di Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas atau Klinik.

â � ¢ Pembakaran Kapasitas: 0.5 m3 / jam
â � ¢ Ruang Utama temp. : ....
The DV-II + Digital PRO viscometer Brookfield menggabungkan akurasi, keandalan dan fleksibilitas dengan keunggulan penginderaan berkelanjutan, pengukuran suhu dan output data ke....
Vacuum Tube-Blood Collection
Blood Collection Tube " Ampulab" Soya GreenTec Korea :
> Serum
> Coagulation
> Glucose
Stomacher 400 Circulator
SEWARD Stomacher 400 Circulator the laboratory blender for food microbiologists.
Features :
1. Improved organism recovery
2. " Hand-Free" auto run
3. Countdown of processing....
Magnetic Stirrer Hot Plate
IKA Magnetic stirrers with heating
C-MAG MS 4 / C-MAG MS 7 / C-MAG MS 10
New magnetic stirrers with heating and glass ceramics heating plate which offers
excellent chemical....
Rotary Evaporator
IKA Rotary Evaporators
Model : RV10 Basic
Features :
> Analog heating bath with adjustable safety
circuit, â � � stand aloneâ � � operation is possible,
pivoting safety hood as....
Stomacher / Lab Blender
BagMixer ® , the worldâ � � s best lab blender line, ensures quick and sterile blending of all samples.
The sample in the BagFilter ® filter bag is automatically filtered in....
Vacuum Pump Rocker 300 & 600
Rocker series vacuum pump is a piston-powered, oil-free pump. With innovative electronic, mechanical technology and human design concept make Rocker' s family quiet and low....
Melet Schloesing Hematology Analyzer
Melet Schloesing New MS4-s memungkinkan untuk memilih jumlah darah yang benar-benar sesuai harapan Anda. Untuk setiap kasus, Anda dapat memilih apakah yang anda butuhkan:
> ....
Universal Oven
Oven Universal MEMMET berorientasi praktis, fungsi program dirancang untuk berbagai aplikasi yang luas, dan bahkan bila digunakan secara intensif, semua material terbuat dari....
Futures :
Microscope OPTIKA dengan teknologi terbaru LED Powered Illumination System ( X-LED) yang dikembangkan dengan kombinasi teknologi LED & Optik terbaru.
Tersedia 2 type....
Portable Turbidity Meter
LUTRON TU 2016 Portable Turbidity Meter
Features :
Range : Auto range, two ranges, 0.00 to 50.00 NTU, 50 to 1, 000 NTU.
Resolution : 0.01 NTU/ 1 NTU.
Accuracy : 5 % F.S. or 0....
Multiparameter Photometer
HANNA HI 83200 Multiparameter Photometer.
Photometer untuk mengukur 36 parameter pada pengecekan qualitas air.
Dilengkapi dgn port RS232 untuk download data ke PC.
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