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PT. Tirta Alam Abadi

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PT. Tirta Alam Abadi
PT. Tirta Alam Abadi
Info Perusahaan
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Nama:Dr. Sunardi., ST [Pemasaran]
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Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Dr. Sunardi., ST di Jakarta Utara
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Dr. Sunardi., ST di Jakarta Utara
Nomor Faks:Nomor faks Dr. Sunardi., ST di Jakarta Utara
Alamat:Kompleks Rukan Permata Ancol Blok F No.8
Jakarta Utara 14420, Jakarta
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:30 May. 2011
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Pabrikan, Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Mineral & Logam

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PT. Tirta Alam Abadi bergerak dalam bidang industri pengolahan air proses maupun limbah industri yang mengutamakan kinerja & kualitas terbaik, spesialisasi dalam hal bahan kimia pengolahan air, alat uji kualitas air, dosing pump, peralatan kontrol. Melalui komitmen berkelanjutan dalam hal penelitian dan pengembangan, inovasi produk, dukungan teknis dan logistik yang sangat memadai, kami mampu menyediakan fasilitas terbaik bagi pelanggan dalam bidang perindustrian, perdagangan, perkotaan, perawatan kesehatan, maupun instansi pemerintah.

PT. Tirta Alam Abadi adalah perusahaan yang khusus bergerak dalam bidang pengolahan air proses ( WTP) , pengolahan air limbah ( WWTP) , dan juga pengolahan limbah organik ( STP) sejak tahun 2002.
Aktivitas utama perusahaan adalah dalam hal perancangan desain, manufaktur produk, instalasi & pemasangan, pengujian kualitas & kinerja sistem dan juga penyedia baik sistem maupun perangkat untuk WTP, WWTP, dan STP. Aktivitas lain disamping itu, kami juga menyediakan dukungan teknis dalam hal perawatan & bahan kimia untuk pemeliharaan.

Keunggulan / Daya Saing Produk :
- Lebih dari sekedar menjual produk, yang kami jual adalah sebuah SISTEM yakni mencakup fasilitas purna-jual untuk produk chemical treatment.
- GARANSI produk yang terjamin.
- Line-Up produk paling lengkap.

Produk / Jasa Utama
  • Ion Exchange Resin TULSION (made in India)
    Resin is a hydrocarbon secretion of many plants, particularly coniferous trees. It is valued for its chemical properties and associated uses, such as the production of varnishes, adhesives, and food glazing agents; as an important source of raw materials for organic synthesis; and as constituents of incense and perfume.

    The term also encompasses synthetic substances of similar properties, as well as shellacs of insects of the superfamily Coccoidea. Resins have a very long history that is documented in ancient Greece Theophrastus, ancient Rome Pliny the Elder, and especially as the forms known as frankincense and myrrh in ancient Egypt.[ 1] They were highly prized substances, and required as incense in religious rites.

    TULSION' resin available for Water Softener, Demineralizer, etc for treat your wide uses of your water requirement.

    Quote us to :
    or our representative : 0856 1615 1255 (Mr. Sunardi., ST)
  • Membran RO Filmtec
    Reverse osmosis adalah suatu proses pembalikan dari proses osmosis. Osmosis adalah proses perpindahan larutan dari larutan dengan konsentrasi zat terlarut rendah menuju larutan dengan konsentrasi zat terlarut lebih tinggi sampai terjadi kesetimbangan konsentrasi. Osmosis merupakan suatu fenomena alami, tetapi aliran larutan dapat diperlambat, dihentikan, dan bahkan dapat dibalikkan ( hal ini dikenal dengan istilah “ Reverse Osmosis” ) . Reverse osmosis dilakukan dengan cara memberikan tekanan pada bagian larutan dengan konsentrasi tinggi menjadi melebihi tekanan pada bagian larutan dengan konsentrasi rendah. Sehingga larutan akan mengalir dari konsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi rendah. Proses perpindahan larutan terjadi melalui sebuah membran yang semipermeabel dan tekanan yang diberikan adalah tekanan hidrostatik ( Shun Dar Lin, 2001) .

    Untuk mengilustrasikan peristiwa reverse osmosis, bayangkan sebuah membran semipermeabel dengan air di satu sisi dan larutan dengan konsentrasi zat terlarut tinggi di sisi lain. Apabila terjadi peristiwa osmosis normal, air akan melewati membran menuju larutan dengan konsentrasi tinggi. Pada peristiwa reverse osmosis, pada sisi larutan dengan konsentrasi tinggi diberikan tekanan untuk mendorong molekul air melewati membran menuju sisi larutan air ( Gambar) . Proses pemisahan ini akan memisahkan antara zat terlarut pada salah satu sisi membran dan pelarut murni di sisi yang lain.

    Quote us to :
    or our representative : 0856 1615 1255 (Mr. Sunardi., ST)
  • Resin DOWEX
    Dowex Resin can be used in the following water treatment systems:
    Softening, to soften the feed water to meet requirements for boiler feed water e.g.

    Prodcution of Demiwater, Ultra pure water or deminerialized water.

    Ion-specific treatment.

    Quote us to :
    or our representative : 0856 1615 1255 (Mr. Sunardi., ST)
  • Resin LEWATIT ex. Germany
    Lewatit® und Ionac® premium products have become successfully established in more than 500 applications. Our product range and technical support are divided into four main application-focused segments:

    _ Water ( industrial water treatment, potable water, ultrapure water, nuclear)

    _ Foodstuffs ( treatment of solutions for the food production)
    _ Catalysis and Chemicals processing ( treatment of waste water and process streams in the chemical industry)

    _ Hydroponics

    Each segment includes a team of highly qualified technicians to fulfill specific requirements of our customers. Laboratories, including a clean room specifically equipped for the analysis and evaluation of ion exchange resins, complete our after-sales service offerings.

    Please select your region first to obtain appropriate product information for different applications.

    Quote us to :
    or our representative : 0856 1615 1255 (Mr. Sunardi., ST)
  • Conductivity Control MYRON L
    Founded in 1964, Autotrol is a leading American manufacturer of customized electric sub-fractional horsepower gear motors. With a tradition of reliability and personalized engineering services, Autotrol is recognized for its innovative solutions to domestic and global OEM AC and DC gear motor applications. Autotrol is your best " TOTAL COST " gear motor supplier.

    Autotrol' s permanent magnet synchronous, hysteresis, and DC gear motorsand Stepper gear motors are available with gear trains that offer a wide range of output speeds, as low as one revolution per month in the AC motor line. Other features include high torque brass or steel gear trains, or gear trains manufactured with engineered plastics for quiet, economical, durable and high temperature operation. Optional internal one-way or two-way clutches, special output shafts and couplings are available or can be custom designed to meet your specific needs.

    Specializing in original equipment ( OEM) and custom applications, our ROHS compliant electric gear motors can be found in a broad range of products, including Appliances, Agricultural, Automotive, Display, HVAC, Lighting, Medical, Vending and many others.

    Quote us to :
    or our representative : 0856 1615 1255 (Mr. Sunardi., ST)
  • Autotrol (Automatic Filter Control)
    Founded in 1964, Autotrol is a leading American manufacturer of customized electric sub-fractional horsepower gear motors. With a tradition of reliability and personalized engineering services, Autotrol is recognized for its innovative solutions to domestic and global OEM AC and DC gear motor applications. Autotrol is your best " TOTAL COST " gear motor supplier.

    Autotrol' s permanent magnet synchronous, hysteresis, and DC gear motorsand Stepper gear motors are available with gear trains that offer a wide range of output speeds, as low as one revolution per month in the AC motor line. Other features include high torque brass or steel gear trains, or gear trains manufactured with engineered plastics for quiet, economical, durable and high temperature operation. Optional internal one-way or two-way clutches, special output shafts and couplings are available or can be custom designed to meet your specific needs.

    Specializing in original equipment ( OEM) and custom applications, our ROHS compliant electric gear motors can be found in a broad range of products, including Appliances, Agricultural, Automotive, Display, HVAC, Lighting, Medical, Vending and many others.

    Quote us to :
    or our representative : 0856 1615 1255 (Mr. Sunardi., ST)
Ajak Kerjasama:
    PT. Tirta Alam Abadi adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam Penyediaan Sparepart dan Komponen Proyek Water Treatment, berikut beberapa Produk dengan Brand yang sudah sangat dikenal oleh para Kontraktor dan Supplier Water Treatment;


    1. Dosing / Metering Pumps ;
    Merk : LMI Milton Roy ex. USA
    2. Conductivity Control dan Resistivity Control;
    Merk : MYRON L ex. USA
    3. Ion Exchange Resin
    Merk : a) TULSION, ex. India
    b) DOWEX, ex. USA
    c) LEWATIT, ex. Germany


    1. Membran R/ O & Housing
    Merk : Filmtec, ex. USA
    2. FRP Tanks mulai dari 0844” sampai 4872”
    - Multiport Valve
    - Autotrol
    - Strainer / Nozzle
    3. Media – media Filter
    - Activated Cargon; merk. CALGON ex. USA
    - Activated Cargon Lokal
    - Anthracite



    Quote by EMAIL to :
    HP : 0852 1615 1255 (Mr. Sunardi., ST)
    We are serving for whole installation and modification for water treatment plant, consist of :
    - Plant design and cost analysis
    - Plant construction
    - Tools and other additional equipment such as valve, nozzle, tank, pressure gauge, etc,
    - Water treatment medium
    - Plant repair

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