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rss RSS: Ferroalloy & Produk
Hasil Cari 361-375 dari 520
PT. Indo Illam Indah  23 Mar. 2011, 23:11:04

Kami adalah suplier dan stockist untuk product - product dibawah ini: 1. Stainless Steel Plate Grade: 430, 304, 201 2. Steel Shot 3. Steel Grit 4. Sand Blasting 5. Jasa Poles for Stainless....

[Jakarta Timur, Jakarta, Indonesia]
Pharmatek Scientific System  18 Mar. 2011, 1:25:14

We deal in lab equipment for pharma and biotechnology.

[Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India]
pt.bakauheni gatra buana  16 Mar. 2011, 20:14:27

perdagangan umum perusahan kami serius dan kami tidak berteletele menghadapi segala macam bisnis

[kalianda, Lampung, Indonesia]
Haltraco  16 Mar. 2011, 3:22:03

PT. Haltraco Sarana Mulia is an Indonesian well known trading company that supplies products for metallurgical application located in Jakarta. Our Target market are Foundry and Steel Industries and....

[Jakarta barat, Jakarta, Indonesia]
Hosoda ( Singapore) Pte Ltd  15 Mar. 2011, 3:02:16

We are a Japanese Tradeing House located in Singapore more than 30 years. We work very closed with China Mill of Tinplate , and we also been supply to Indonesia . Please let us know if you have....

[Singapore, singapore, Singapura]
sercons  14 Mar. 2011, 3:04:36

Dear Sir Madam , For entry in Ukraine, Russia, , Belorussia or Kazakhstan you will be needing the documentation , exactly certification of your products according to local standards! We can do....

[Moscow, Moscow, Federasi Rusia]
Tiga M  4 Mar. 2011, 4:22:38

Trading company for mineral goods, export and import. Managed by the professional team

[Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]
Brandmark Resources INC  15 Feb. 2011, 3:57:46

Company specilization in international trade area

[Moscow, Moscow, Federasi Rusia]
inti surya  10 Feb. 2011, 21:56:07

We are recycling manufacture in indonesia looking for a reliable scrap metal supplier from overseas our shortage at this moment around 1500 ton/ month. Should you have any goods please send me an....

[surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]
eben.fabricius  10 Feb. 2011, 9:43:24

we distribute commodities globally. From gold, diamonds, copper, coal and chrome. We also do cycads. and many plants from Africa

[Cape Town, Afrika Selatan]
Intrade Ltd Co  9 Feb. 2011, 12:38:33

We are a manufacturing/ trade company in Turkey

[Istanbul, Turki]
PTMETALLOGAMJAYA  6 Feb. 2011, 21:17:29

di jual pasir dan batu tembaga dengan kadar 3-6% mungkin kadarnya bisa lebih. 90% sudah di crusher.terdapat kurang lebih 200 ton untuk galena ada 5 ton untuk semuanya di jual hanya 100 jt. yang....

[jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]
Raintree International Trade Company  26 Jan. 2011, 15:09:31

1.Supply for FEMO-60% , 65% FESI-75% , 72% , 65% SIMN 6517, 6014 FEW 75% FEV With prompt delivery and good price consisitantly 2.Representtiive of purchasing in big valume Chrome ore 40....

[Vancouver, British Columbia, Kanada]
Xiangxi Minmetals Co., Ltd  25 Jan. 2011, 20:48:49

Xiangxi Minmetals Co., Ltd. is one of the most important manufacturers of manganese metal of China, which has experienced in the production & trading of manganese metal for decades. Our company has....

[Jishou, Hunan, China]
TAMBANG BIJIH BESI KATINGAN  20 Jan. 2011, 7:44:23


[Katingan, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia]
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