SPECTROMETER AT6102A ATOMTEX Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384[5 Feb. 2012, 11:53:50]
Multifunctional small-sized scintillation spectrometers are used to detect, locate and identify gamma radiation radionuclides, detect neutron radiation sources, measure gamma radiation energy distribution and ambient dose equivalent rate and alpha and beta radiation flux density.
- Multifunctionality
- Standalone unit Download a leaflet ( 227 kb)
- Effective search mode and radionuclide identification in real time ( Am-241, Ba-133, Co-57, Co-60, Cs-137, Eu-152, Ir-192, Mn-54, Na-22, Np-237, Se-75, Th-228, Cr-51, Ga-67, I-123, I-125, I-131, In-111, Tc-99m, Tl-201, Xe-133, K-40, Ra-226, Th-232, U-238, U-233, U-235, RGPu-239, WGPu-239, bremsstrahlung etc.) Download Acrobat Reader
- Neutron ( AT6102 only) , alpha and beta radiation sources search and detection with audible, visual and vibratory signalizing
- Standard and expert operation modes
- Built-in continuous automatic LED stabilization of the energy scale and its periodical calibration using a KCl check sample
- Digital temperature compensation of the measuring path by an internal temperature sensor
- Audible and visual alarm at identifying gamma radiation radionuclides, at dose rate and flux density threshold exceeding
- Spectrometric data readout on a backlit LCD 128x64
- Logging up to 300 spectra
- Wide- temperature operation under field conditions
- Data transfer to PC
- Alpha or beta radiation flux density measurement by external smart probes BDPA-01 or BDPB-01
- Environmental monitoring
- Radioactive waste monitoring
- Illicit trafficking of nuclear materials monitoring
- Nuclear industry
- Geological survey
- Nuclear medicine
- Scientific research
- Emergency
basic unit:
integral spectrometric scintillation detector NaI( Tl) ø 40E40 mm
integral Geiger-Muller gas-discharge counter
integral neutron 3He-proportional counter in polyethylene moderator ( only for AT6102A)
external smart probes:
alpha radiation BDPA-01 ø 60 mm, ZnS( Ag)
beta radiation BDPB-01 ø 60 mm, scintillation plastic
gamma radiation in energy ranges 20 - 1500 keV and 40 - 3000 keV
neutron radiation in energy range 0.025 eV - 14 MeV
alpha radiation ( BDPA-01) in the energy range 4 - 7 MeV
beta radiation ( BDPB-01) with the maximum energy form 155 keV ( 14C) to 3, 5 MeV ( 106Ru+ 106Rh)
Integral nonlinearity not more than 1 %
Relative energy resolution on 137Cs not more than 9 %
Maximum input statistical load not less than 5� 104 s-1
Number of channels 512
Continuous operation time from built-in accumulator unit not less than 15 h
Energy scale instability not more than 1 %
Ambient gamma radiation dose rate
measuring range
NaI( Tl) 0.01 - 300 µ Sv/ h
Geiger-Muller counter 10 µ Sv/ h - 100 mSv/ h
Energy sensitivity response
NaI( Tl) ± 20 %
Geiger-Muller counter -25 � + 40 %
Neutron radiation ambient dose equivalent rate for 252Cf source ( AT6102) 0.1 µ Sv/ h - 10 mSv/ h
Flux density measuring range
alpha radiation ( BDPA-01) 0.5 - 105 part./ ( min� cm2)
beta radiation ( BDPB-01) 3 - 5� 105 part./ ( min� cm2)
NaI( Tl) sensitivity
241Am 5600 cps/ ( µ Sv� h-1)
137Cs 670 cps/ ( µ Sv� h-1)
60Co 330 cps/ ( µ Sv� h-1)
background 0.08 µ Sv/ h 100 cps
Gamma source 137Cs with activity 50 kBq acquisition time on distance 20 cm not more than 2 s
Neutron detector sensitivity on 252Cf
AT6102 not less than 0.67 cps/ ( µ Sv � h-1)
Neutron source 252Cf ( 2� 104neutron/ s) acquisition time on distance 25 cm ( AT6102) not more than 5 s
Intrinsic measurement error
gamma radiation dose rate ± 20 %
alpha and beta radiation flux density ± 20 %
Spectrum acquiring time ( in increment of 1 s) from 1 to 64800 s
Operating temperature range -20 - + 50 ° !
Relative air humidity at 35° ! 95 %
Operation mode setup time not more than 1 min
Protection class IP54
Radio disturbance
EN 55022
Electromagnetic compatibility
IEC 61000-4-2
IEC 61000-4-3
AT6102 2.6 kg
AT6102A 2 kg
BDPA-01, BDPB-01 0.55 kg
AT6102 222E108E206 mm
AT6102A 222E108E171 mm
BDPA-01, BDPB-01 ø 87E205 mm