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Tn. Ali Arief Fadillah [Pemasaran]
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jl Karet Ps Baru timur XIV no 49
jakarta 10220, Jakarta
Bergerak di bidang alat-alat survey dan navigasi, seperti : Total Station, Theodolite, Automatic Level, Binoculars, Kompas, Clinometer, Altimeter, Suunto Tandem, Waterpass, GPS, dan Alat-alat Geologi.
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Suunto A10[2 Nov. 2011, 0:39:31]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTunai
JumlahReady Stok
Kemas & PengirimanBox
A robust, easy to use compact compass for general recreational use.

User Friendly Recreational Compasses

The A-Range of recreational compasses is a series of handy, well designed, navigational aids which are assets in any environment. All four models in the series ( A-10, A-20, A-30L and A-40) are compact, high-accuracy instruments made from durable, clear, scratch resistant acrylic that have been ergonomically designed to fit into the palm of your hand for optimum ease of use. These light-weight compasses feature a fixed declination correction scale as well as a patent-pending lanyard snap-lock enabling the compass to be easily detached from the lanyard.

Product Features

# Two Zone System
# fixed declination correction scale
# jewel bearing
# detachable snap lock lanyard
# cm or inch scales
# size: 57 x 90 mm / 2.2" x 3.5"
# weight: 27 g / 0.95 oz

Info :
http: / /

em ail: aliarief.fadillah@

Hub : Ali arief

Tlp : 021-34191199
Hp : 0812-88179349 / 085880534449
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