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Tn. Ali Arief Fadillah [Pemasaran]
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jl Karet Ps Baru timur XIV no 49
jakarta 10220, Jakarta
Bergerak di bidang alat-alat survey dan navigasi, seperti : Total Station, Theodolite, Automatic Level, Binoculars, Kompas, Clinometer, Altimeter, Suunto Tandem, Waterpass, GPS, dan Alat-alat Geologi.
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Magellan Mobile Mapper 6
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTunai
JumlahReady Stok
Kemas & PengirimanBox
True Mobile GIS for Everyone
MobileMapper 6 provides a complete set of all necessary features required by a mapping device for anyone who needs productive data collection and efficient asset management in the field. Unlike consumer-grade units, the low-cost easy-to-use MobileMapper 6 offers full compatibility with popular GIS software to enable companies to select and use GIS software of choice.

Performance GPS
MobileMapper 6 GPS engine provides professional accuracy in real time and post-processing. This SBAS-enabled high-sensitivity GPS receiver computes and updates your position even in difficult conditions, such as under tree canopy and in urban surroundings.

Versatile Mobile GIS Solution
The MobileMapper 6 comes with Microsoft Windows Mobile 6 operating system, a color touch-screen, and it has Bluetooth for wireless connectivity. You can collect GIS/ GPS points and maps via the GIS application of your choice: either a third party software or the proprietary Magellan Mobile Mapping application. You can also navigate, get your direction from the integrated e-compass, and communicate wirelessly.

Field-proven Rugged Design
MobileMapper fits comfortably in one hand and weighs less than eight ounces ( 224g) . MobileMapper 6 is made for intensive outdoor use and can be dropped in the dirt or into water again and again without harm. It keeps working, and you won' t lose any data.

Feature-rich Mapping Device
Embedded speaker and microphone make it easy to record audio files, for a rich archive of locations and projects. You can take pictures using the integrated 2-megapixel digital camera, use the e-compass to determine the camera orientation at the time the picture is taken, and use other Windows Office Mobile applications, all with a single device.

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em ail: aliarief.fadillah@

Hub : Ali arief

Tlp : 021-34191199
Hp : 0812-88179349 / 085880534449
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