- masker wajah dispossable nonwoven
masker wajah dispossable
non woven, 50 pcs/ box
juga tersedia alat-alat laboratorium, consumables product dll
- Jasa perbaikan dan maintenance alat laboratorium
Kami menyediakan layanan jasa servis/ perbaikan dan maintenance alat-alat laboratorium, alat kesehatan, dan alat peraga pendidikan.
Jaminan layanan purna jual/ garansi servis untuk pembelian alat baru.
- Microscope Binoculer dan Trinoculer
Menyediakan berbagai mikroskop, baik monocular, binocular, maupun trinocular.
Kami menyediakan berbagai merk sesuai dengan budget anda.
Mikroskop Trinoculair tersedia berikut perlengkapannya, dan dapat dibeli secara terpisah.
Tersedia juga maintenance servis untuk mikroskop lama anda.
Kami siap membantu anda, karena kami ahlinya.
- pH meter, Conductivity, TDS, Refractometer dll
Alat laboratorium pH meter, Conductivity, TDS, Refractometer dll, baik pocket, portable maupun benchtop. Banyak pilihan, dari produk Europe sampai RRT, kami sesuaikan dengan budget anda.
- Mycotoxin Testing System (Fluorometer)
The Seri-4EX VICAM Fluorometer ™ adalah mudah dioperasikan. Pada sentuhan tombol, Anda mengidentifikasi mycotoxin akan diukur. Setelah mengisolasi mycotoxin menggunakan kolom immunoaffinity VICAM, masukkan sampel menjadi fluorometer tersebut. Kemudian membaca fluoresensi dan menampilkan hasil. Cukup dan efisien, -Seri 4EX mampu mengukur tingkat mycotoxin total sampel disusun dengan menggunakan kolom mycotoxin VICAM's.
Fitur tambahan dari-Seri 4EX juga menambah kesederhanaan operasi. Jam internal memonitor waktu kalibrasi terakhir, sinyal anda bila diperlukan kalibrasi baru. Seri-4EX juga menggunakan layar 2-line menyala untuk meminta Anda melalui langkah-langkah pengujian.
The Seri-4EX VICAM Fluorometer akurat langkah ke PPT konsentrasi sangat rendah mikotoksin dalam sampel disusun dengan menggunakan kolom VICAM's. Perluasan kapasitas penyimpanan data memungkinkan untuk menyimpan semua protokol uji mycotoxin VICAM dan tingkat kalibrasi, serta hingga 200 hasil tes. Disimpan protokol pengujian menyediakan untuk pembacaan digital di PPM, PPB, PPT, mg / kg, ug / kg, atau ng / kg konsentrasi unit tanpa membutuhkan konversi apapun.
- Lactoscan Milk Analyzer
Pengukuran langsung sampel susu dingin, mulai dari 5 derajat Celcius.
Tidak perlu kalibrasi secara berkala.
Ketepatan pengukuran tidak tergantung pada keasaman susu.
High-end teknologi ultrasonik untuk menganalisis segala jenis susu.
- PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and life science product
Kami menyediakan berbagai alat life science/ biotechnology diantaranya :
- PCR dan Real Time PCR
- Microplate Reader / Elisa Reader
- Electrophoresys System
- Gel Documentation
- PCR Kit and Life Science Kit
- Dll
- Feed Check Test Kit for MBM
Test for Meat
and Bone Meal ( MBM) is
designed to detect the pres-
ence of meat and bone meal
( MBM) in animal feed.
Currently, the use of mam-
malian-derived MBM in cattle
feed is prohibited or highly
regulated in most countries
due to its potential to spread
Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy ( BSE) . As a
precautionary measure,
some regions have restricted
the use of MBM from any ani-
mal species in ruminant
feeds. In order to accommo-
date user-specific require-
ments, the FeedChek Test for
MBM incorporates 2 tests
into one test strip. One test
line indicates the presence of
any MBM ( avian and mam-
mal) in the sample and the
second test line indicates the
presence of mammalian
MBM in the sample.
FeedChek has a 15-second
extraction process and pro-
vides results in ten minutes.
No laboratory equipment is
needed to perform the test.
Feed TM
- Mycotoxin Testing System (Fluorometer)
The VICAM Series-4EX Fluorometer™ is simple to operate. At the touch of a button, you identify the mycotoxin to be measured. After isolating the mycotoxin using VICAM’ s immunoaffinity column, insert the sample into the fluorometer. It then reads the fluorescence and displays results. Simply and efficiently, the Series-4EX is able to measure total mycotoxin levels in samples prepared using VICAM’ s mycotoxin columns.
Additional features of the Series-4EX also add to the simplicity of operation. An internal clock monitors the time of its last calibration, alerting you when a new calibration is needed. The Series-4EX also uses an illuminated 2-line display to prompt you through testing steps.
The VICAM Series-4EX Fluorometer accurately measures down to extremely low PPT concentrations of mycotoxins in samples prepared using VICAM’ s columns. Expanded data storage capacity allows for storage of all the VICAM mycotoxin test protocols and calibration levels, as well as up to 200 test results. Stored testing protocols provide for a digital readout in PPM, PPB, PPT, mg/ kg, ¼ g/ kg, or ng/ kg concentration units without requiring any conversion.