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Digital surface tensiometer mod. TSD - Gibertini
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Kemas & Pengirimanunit
Negara AsalJerman


Digital Tensiometer for liquid surface tension measurament

The surface tension is determined by the maximum value of the force measured right then at the contact between the sample and the glass or the platinum plate.

Characteristics :

* Display of surface tension value mN/ m ( dyne/ cm) measured with Wilhelmy method
* Readability: ± 0.2 mN/ m ( dyne/ cm)
* Power requirements: 220V - 15% + 10% 10VA ( on request 110 V)
* Dimensions: W 220 x D 355 x H 350 mm
* Max capacity: 60 g
* Auto-calibration with internal mass

Equipment :

* Glass plates ( dimensions 24x24x0.15 mm)
* Glass container for liquid sample
* Manual adjustable lab jack
* Suspended system for the arrangement of glass plate

On request :

* Thermometric probe PT 100 1/ 3 DIN ( always suggested)
o operating temperature range: 10-30° C
o repeatability ± 0.05° C
o readability 0.1° C
* Platinum Wilhelmy plate
* Platinum Du Nouy ring The use of the Du Nouy ring grants a better repeatability and precision
* Floater and double wall cylinder for density measurament ( necessary if the Du Nouy ring is used)
* Specific container for thermal stabilisation of the sample
* Special pan and masses for metrological control

Automatic jack with programmable speed ( from 0, 004 to 21 mm/ s) complete with software and thermoprobe PT100 1/ 3 DIN


* Simultaneous display on PC 386 - 2 MB RAM min. ( not included) of:
o Force changes during the measurament
o Elapsed time
o Surface tension value
* Data recording
* Change value of perimeter plate when different plates are used
* Selection of manual or autoatic system

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