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    Sabena dan Besta Biskuit

    Sabena dan Besta Biskuit

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Negara Asal:
    Sabena and Besta Biscuit that we sell. Price range is affordable and the taste of the biscuit is good. Good value for money. Good for gifts and parcels. Below is the pricelist for the product range:

    Besta Assorted Bulat : Rp. 64000/dus
    - Besta Assorted Segi : Rp. 125000/dus
    - Besta rasa kelapa, durian, jeruk bulat : Rp. 52000/dus
    - Sabena Vanila, Durian, Kelapa rol : Rp. 14750/dus
    - Marie Special Coklat 120bks : Rp. 18750/dus
    - Marie Special 120bks: Rp. 18750/dus
    - Sabena kelapa, durian, coklat, susu 90bks : Rp. 32750/bks
    - Sabena Marie susu : Rp. 35500/dus
    - Sabena Rose Cream, Coklat : Rp. 44750/dus
    - Sabena Cocoapuff : Rp. 47500/dus
    - Sabena durian Cream : Rp. 45750/dus

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