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Tn. Kevin B [Pemasaran]
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Toko, Harco Mangga Dua Plaza Blok A Lt.1 No.79, Jl. Mangga Dua Raya
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Spy Pen Camera 8GB Full HD1080p iPen FHD-1080 - Executive Edition Ink Pen
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Spy Pen Camera 8Gb Full HD1080p

Executive-Edition. Full HD 1080p Ink-Pen Spy Camera 8GB.

A refined writing instrument with a high definition
camcorder and digital still camera hidden inside!
• Pulpen Perekam Video Resolusi Tinggi Full HD1080p
• Pulpen Digital Camera 12 MegaPixels
• Penyimpan Data / USB Flash Disk
• Pulpen Menulis
• Perfect Tool untuk Merekam : Pengajaran
sekolah/ kuliah/ seminar, Pertemuan Rahasia, Pemantauan Lokasi,
Interview/ Wawancara, Misi Pengintaian, Kejadian / Peristiwa
Spontanitas dll.


Executive Edition 1080P Full HD Ink Pen Spy Camera ( 8GB)
A refined writing instrument with a high definition camcorder and digital still camera hidden inside!

This pocket spy gadget is beautifully presented and framed with a classy, gloss black exterior.

Designed to look and work as a fully-functioning business ink pen, it is actually a high quality camera for recording
smooth motion video at 1920 x 1080 and to capture still photographs at 4032 x 3024.

It also records audio separately or with video, and comes with 8GB of internal memory for tons of confidential data.
With its deceptively normal exterior and top performing hidden camera, this is the perfect blend of modern technology
and high class stationery for all aspiring secret agents.

Easy to use and practical, this is an elegant and compact pen designed with portability in mind so it fits unobtrusively

This HD Spy Pen is ideal for those working within business, education, HR, security, media, press relations, tourism
and many other areas. This is a truly flexible and desirable item that can be used by anybody, anywhere! Place it on
your desk, on a shelf, or in your shirt pocket - it is the perfect covert device to trap unsuspecting people in
embarrassing situations.

Realize high class undercover missions with the superb Executive Edition 1080P Full HD Ink Pen Spy Camera.

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Phone : ( 021) 6882 6710 / ( 021) 7090 5889
SMS : 0816 481 5887 - 0813 87511 835
BBM : 26271aba
Email : sales@
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