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CV. Batavia Online Store
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Tn. Hendri Irawan [Direktur/CEO/Manajer Umum]

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Jl. Muhasyim No. 25 Larangan Indah
Tangerang 15154, Banten

CV. Batavia Online Store menyediakan berbagai macam Alat Survey, GPS, Alat Geology, Adventure, Telekomunikasi Radio, Telekomunikasi Satellite, dll.
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Katalog Produk

JUAL SOUND LEVEL METER PCE-322A Hub 021-71097524[1 Feb. 2012, 2:16:47]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanBox


Features :

RS-232 cable to transmit data
Software compatible with Windows 95, 98, 2000 and XP
Internal memory for 32, 000 values
Minimum and maximum functions
Resolution of 0.1dB
35mm LCD display with graphic divisions of 2dB ( unto 100dB)
Frequency weighting: A and C
Frequency range of 31.5 Hz to 8 kHz
Temporary value for pulses, fast and slow
Real-time clock with calendar
ABS enclosure
1/ 2 " Electret condenser microphone

Technical specifications :

Automatic range 30 to 130dB
Manual ranges
30 to 80dB 40 to 90dB
50 to 100dB 60 to 110dB
70 to 120dB 80 to 130dB

Resolution : 0.1dB
Accuracy : 1.5dB
Measuring rate : every 0.5s
Frecuency : 31.5 Hz to 8k Hz
Data Logger : 32, 000 readings
Frequency weighting : A and C
Display : 35mm LCD with graphic representation .
Operating conditions : 0 to 40C, < 80% r.h.
Power 9V battery PP3
Dimensions : 265 x 72 x 21 mm
Standard : IIEC 651 type II ( class II)

Contents :
PCE-322 A noise meter, microphone windscreen, RS-232 interface, software compatible with Windows 95, 98, 2000 and XP, calibration screwdriver, a battery, carrying case and user' s .

Optional :
- Acoustic calibrator
- Microphone extension cable
- Tripod
- Iso Calibration Certificate

Hub :
Hendri Irawan
HP. 0856 959 23 656

Email / YM : cv_bataviaonline@

Pin BB : 23184E12


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