jual Sand Cond Test Set Hub 021-71097524
Sand Cone Test Set
Peralatan untuk mengukur kepadatan tanah di lapangan.
ASTM D-1556 AASTHO T-191 For determining the density of compacted soil in place
Type Part Name Specification Qty
STE-351 Sand Cone Bottle Glass/ plastic, 4 litre capacity 1 Pc
STE-352 Sand Cone Funnel Seamless metal, turning stopper, 6 ½ ’ ’ dia buttom, 1 Pc
½ ’ ’ neck dia.
STE-353 Base Plate Cast alumunium, 12’ ’ x 12’ ’ 1 Pc
STE-354 Graduated Sand Uncemented sand, passing # 10
retained # 60, 25 kgs weight 1 Zak
GTE-530 Sample Can Round can, tinned metal 4 Pcs
GTE-571 Round Scoop Cast alumunium 1Pc
GTE-582 Spoon Stainless steel 1 Pc
GTE-583 Trowel Pointed type 1 Pc
GTE-591 Chisel Hardened type 1 Pc
GTE-610 Rubber Mallet Wooden handle 1 Pc
Weight : 55 kg
Hub :
Hendri Irawan
HP. 0856 959 23 656
Email / YM : cv_bataviaonline@ yahoo.co.id
Pin BB : 23184E12
WEB : www.bataviaonlinestore.com