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rss RSS: Agen Produk Pertanian - Mesir > Egypt
Hasil Cari 1-12 dari 12

I am a pediatrician working in the pediatric department of Ain Shams University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt

[Cairo, Egypt, Mesir]
Bmclean  8 Dec. 2014, 6:35:46

WE SALE CHEMICALS LIKE S.S.D. Chemical Solution , CASTRO X OXIDE A4. AND MANY Like ACTIVATION POWDER & SSD SOLUTION FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY Chemical and Allied product incorporated is a major....

[cairo, Egypt, Mesir]
Global Trade Import & Export  11 Jun. 2014, 11:30:22

Global Trade Import & Export Co established in 2013 in Egypt we offer our help and services to all looking for import from the whole world. our mane experience in Packing and Packaging Machines....

[Giza, Egypt, Mesir]
The 4 Directions Co.  29 Oct. 2013, 14:37:48

Dear Sir / Madam , First of all , Let me Seize this Opportunity to thank you for reading my mail and we are pleasure to send you this offer. The 4 Directions Co. are leading company on this....

[Mansoura, Egypt, Mesir]
Alpha International Group  24 Sep. 2013, 22:57:02

Alpha International Group offer the highest quality for export goods Our quality vision based on taste, color, and produce healthy food , to build this vision we choose the land of EGYPT , land with....

[AlMinya, Egypt, Mesir]
Siwa Salt Mining Co.  17 Mar. 2013, 12:22:22

About Us We are an Egyptian company specialized in exporting all kinds of salt with high quality and good prices includes marine salt - food salt - de- icing salt - road salt -Industrial salt -....

[Cairo, Egypt, Mesir]
Teba Co.  15 Feb. 2013, 2:09:42

Manufacturing of medical equipments , Medical cotton , Surgical combined dressing,

[Elfayoum, Egypt, Mesir]
Morgan for Import & export Co.  20 Jan. 2012, 14:31:07

we are Egyptian company located in Cairo , our name is : Morgan for import and export Co., we are specialized company in producing and exporting fresh vegetables and fruits , with high quality and....

[Cairo, Egypt, Mesir]
Al-ragab company  31 Jan. 2012, 6:39:24

We are Al-ragab company for Import and Export in Egypt. Our main goal is to satisfy our customers and achieve progress , differentiate and prove our ability to provide you with the best quality and....

[Kafr Alzayat, Egypt, Mesir]
Nader Riad and Partners For Int. Trade  9 Nov. 2011, 16:33:06

Nader A. Riad and partners for Int. Trade Cairo, Egypt. Cairo, Nov.09thâ € ™ 2011 Dear Sir/ Madam, We have the pleasure to inform you that our web site http: / /, has been modified....

[Cairo, Egypt, Mesir]
blue sky group  9 May. 2010, 16:41:14

blue sky group Blue Sky Group Is an Egyptian joint stock company operating in Egypt, founded under the law 159 issued in 1981 and its main office is located in Cairo - Egypt. Blue Sky Group operates....

[Cairo, Egypt, Mesir]

stablished in 1985 and have three branches one in cairo and two in Alexandia we have 22 employee 7 of them profesional engineers. we are specialised in importing and seling port equipments carco....

[Alexandria, Egypt, Mesir]
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