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Anggota Gratis
  • Jual

    Cement 32.5,  42.5,  52.5

    Cement 32.5, 42.5, 52.5

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Negara Asal:
    Cara Pembayaran:
    maximum 36.000.000MT per year
    Kemas & Pengiriman:
    50kg bag, bulk,...
    We sell: cement. 32.5 - 42.5. 52.5. Direct seller

    Origin: Spain. Germany. France. & other European Countries

    We have cement 42.5 for immediate delivery. CIF.

    Maximum quantity per year. 36.000.000. MT.

    We send small and big quantities

    If your company is interested send us sample LOI with your requesit, after that we send you Soft Offer, after Soft Offer you send us ICPO+SOFT PROBE.

    Please Agents or Brokers your commission to be paied from your Buyers, we want work direct with end Buyers.

    If you are interested contact us.

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