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Bosch polycom audio video interpreter conference system dealer indonesia distributor
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    Toa conference system Microphone TS-773

    Toa conference system Microphone TS-773

    Jumlah Pesanan
    Tambah ke Keranjang
    17 Oct. 2011, 11:00:15
    Kenalkan ke teman Anda Masukan ke Produk Rekanan

    Keterangan :

    Toa discussion system microphone TS-773 / TS-774
    The TS-773 and TS-774 Microphones are designed for exclusive use with the Chairman and Delegate units of TOA Conference system. A ring indicator light at the microphone head shows the operation status of the Chairman or Delegate unit.

    • Unidirectional - Electret condenser microphone
    • Red LED ring light active speech indicator
    • 14.49" Length
    • Digunakan Untuk TS-771 or TS-772

    * * Note: The TS-773/ 774 Tidak Compatible dengan TS-800/ 900 conferencing systems.

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    menampilkan 58 dari 196

    Informasi Kontak

    Tn. Hendra Lim [Penjualan]
    Nomor Ponsel:
    Nomor ponsel Tn. Hendra Lim di Jakarta Utara
    Nomor Telpon:
    Nomor telpon Tn. Hendra Lim di Jakarta Utara
    Nomor Faks:
    Nomor faks Tn. Hendra Lim di Jakarta Utara
    Gading pelangi ungu blok c5b no 25
    Jakarta Utara 14240, Jakarta
    ym: pin bb: 22C49478

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