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Toko Alat Survey & GPS
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    Leica Disto D3

    Leica Disto D3

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    Transfer Bank (T/T), Tunai, Cek Bank
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    CV. GUNAPRIS ELCOM Merupakan supplier LASER DISTANCEMETER dan Alat Survey Berbagai Tipe di Indonesia dengan cara reseller dan retailer. Kami Menjual : Leica Disto D3

    Measure distances and tilts simple, quick and reliable - with the Leica Distoâ„¢ D3.

    The Leica DISTOâ„¢ D3 is a multi-functional instrument to ensure simple, quick and reliable measurements. You can measure distances with absolute accuracy, past obstructions and determine angles quickly and precisely. The integrated tilt sensor also provides you with a horizontal distance measurement. Another sensor detects the lighting conditions and automatically switches on the display and keypad illumination. You can rely on your Leica DISTOâ„¢ D3 while working in the dark.

    Features :
    Tilt measurement
    The instrument' s inbuilt tilt sensor quickly and simply determines tilts up to ± 45° . The tilt sensor can also provide you with true horizontal distances. Reliable measurements are therefore guaranteed.

    Multifunctional end piece
    Aim the instrument straight at the target point, whether measuring out of corners, slots or from edges: with this end piece you are prepared for all measuring situations. The instrument detects the end piece automatically, which helps you avoid expensive measuring errors.

    Automatic keypad and display illumination
    A built-in sensor detects if the environment is dark and switches on the illumination of the keypad and display. You can also measure in the dark without any problem.

    Multiple functions
    The Leica DISTO™ D3 can also calculate areas, volumes, room dimensions and various types of Pythagorean functions. A time delay release and enough memory for up to 20 measurements finish off the instruments wide range of functions – a concept designed to make your work easier.

    Produk kami masih baru, garansi 1 Tahun, bisa diantar. Kami melayani pemesanan dari seluruh Indonesia. Ongkos kirim variatif tergantung kota tujuan.Untuk wilayah Jakarta gratis ongkos kirim. Kami juga menjual berbagai macam alat survey dan lain sebagainya. Bagi anda yang berminat hubungi kami di :

    Info Kontak :
    Aditya Kurniawan
    No. Telp. : ( 021) 68749431, ( 021) 5842278
    Fax : ( 021) 5848470
    Handphone : 085716241676
    Email : gunapris@ atau adityakurniawan20@

    CV. Gunapris Elcom
    Komp. Larangan Indah
    Jl. Anggrek 2 No. 31
    Ciledug, Larangan – Tangerang 15154

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