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Braille Adaptive

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Braille Adaptive
Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Tn. Suratim [Pemasaran]
Situs Web:
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. Suratim di Bogor
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Suratim di Bogor
Nomor Faks:Nomor faks Tn. Suratim di Bogor
Alamat:Kompleks Perdagangan bojong gede bogor
Bogor -, Jawa Barat
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:6 Mar. 2011
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Komputer & Software

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Braille Adaptive merupakan dealer resmi JAWS for Windows program pembaca layar ( screen reading software) . Kami menjual berbagai peralatan serta alat bantu untuk tunanetra dan low vision ( mereka yang lemah penglihatan) . Produk yang kami jual meliputi:
1. printer braille.
2. Duxbury braille translator software
3. video magnifier ( alat bantu baca) buat para low vision
4. mesin tik braille
5. slate & stylus ( alat tulis) untuk tunanetra
6. OpenBook scanning and reading software
7. Magic screen magnification software
8. RUBY handheld video magnifier buat low vision
9. Index braille printer
10. Juliet printer braille
11. ET braille printer
12. BookMaker braille printer
13. Romeo pro60 printer braille
14. JAWS for Windows software
15. JAWS software program pembaca layar
16. talking watch
17. braille watch
18. jam bicara gantungan kunci
19. table talking watch

Produk / Jasa Utama
  • JAWS for Windows
    JAWS for Windows, the international standard for screen reading software. As Windows software has evolved, JAWS has risen to meet the challenge to allow blind and low vision users access to the same information that others have on the World Wide Web, in popular applications, and when reading specialized document formats such as PDF or HTML.
    Furthermore, JAWS is part of a family of products for blind and low vision computer users, which includes screen magnification software, scanning and reading software, a PDA for the blind, Braille displays, and notetakers. The newest versions of Freedom Scientific's products not only work with each other, but also do not interfere with other accessibility products on the same PC.
    Your decision to use JAWS as your computer screen reader is an excellent choice. With JAWS you'll find that your access to the Internet is unparalleled. Using JAWS with Microsoft's Internet Explorer is easy, so you'll be surfing in no time. Additionally, JAWS supports the most popular office software products so that you'll be able to work in the same software environment as other Windows computer users. There are numerous other applications that are supported in JAWS, including word processors, encyclopedias, financial and spreadsheet packages, e-mail and messaging applications, and more.
    For Braille users, JAWS provides functionality that improves the efficiency and quality of your work when using a Braille display. It also provides an accurate representation, in Braille, of what's displayed on your computer's screen.
    There are numerous settings that allow you to customize JAWS to meet your individual needs, including how much information is provided globally and in individual applications. Dozens of other options allow you to set your own voices, keystrokes, HTML preferences, verbosity levels, and more. With JAWS scripting, you can customize JAWS to work with any application, such as proprietary software developed by large employers. This feature provides ultimate flexibility and expandability, making JAWS an excellent investment for the present and future.
  • JAWS for Windows Screen Reader software
    What is JAWS?
    JAWS for Windows is a powerful accessibility solution that reads information on your screen using synthesized speech. JAWS provides many useful commands that make it easier to use programs, edit documents, and read Web pages. With a refreshable braille display, JAWS can also provide braille output in addition to, or instead of, speech. An array of versatile features and customizable options lets you tailor JAWS for your individual needs and preferences.

    For more information on purchasing JAWS for Windows, please contact:
    Mr. Suratim
    Phone: +62-812-871-3028
    SMS: +62-812-871-3028
  • ET Juliet Braille printer
    ET Juliet Braille printer dapat membantu anda dalam mencetak file format MSWord ke dalam file Braille format.
    ET Juliet memudahkan anda mencetak buku dalam huruf Braille yang diperlukan para tunanetra (orang buta).
    Dengan ET Juliet Braille printer, mencetak buku braille semudah anda mencetak dokumen biasa yang tentunya sudah biasa anda lakukan.
    Untuk informasi pemesanan:
    Hubungi, Suratim
    Tel: +62-812-871-3028
    SMS: +62-812-871-3028
  • Video Magnifiers (CCTV for the low vision)
    Bagi anda yang memerlukan pembesaran dalam membaca, telah tersedia video magnifiers dalam berbagai tipe dan ragam.
    Dengan video magnifiers ini, anda para low vision atau mereka yang berpenglihatan terbatas, dapat kembali membaca dengan nyaman, seperti membaca surat kabar, majalah, daftar menu, dsb.
    Jangan sia-siakan sisa penglihatan anda!
    Optimalkan sisa penglihatan anda yang masih ada dengan menggunakan video magnifiers.
    Untuk pemesanan, hubungi:
    tel: +62-812-871-3028
    SMS: +62-812-871-3028
  • Perkins Brailler (mesin tik braille)
    Anda memerlukan mesin tik braille?
    Silakan sekarang menghubungi kami:
    Tel": 62-812-871-3028
  • KacaPembesar
    Anda memerlukan kacapembesar dalam jumla besar, kami siap melayani anda dengan penjualan partai besar, harga bersaing.
    Silakan sekarang menghubungi kami:
    tel: 62-812-871-3028
  • Victor Reader ClassicX+
    The professional solution for more demanding environments (schools, libraries, public areas)

    Designed for professionals and students, it's essential for reading complex and highly structured books like textbooks, reference works and school manuals. It supports all DAISY navigation levels and has advanced functionality such as skipping instantly to a specific page and placing multiple bookmarks. What's more, you can take and operate Victor Reader ClassicX + anywhere, using its integrated rechargeable batteries and built-in handle.

    Combines advanced functionality with ergonomic and robustness.

    Easy CD insertion/ removal Also plays audio and MP3 CDs
    Play speed with pitch compensation Highly intelligible variable play speed
    Supports all DAISY navigation levels Navigate easily by chapter, section , page, paragraph, and so on.
    Key Describer Function Speaks functions of each key
    Dedicated Sleep button
    Audio announcement of battery capacity
    Power light indicator
    Digital Sound Quality Use the high-quality built-in speaker or your earphone set
    Compact, portable and sturdy Goes anywhere with you, using rechargeable batteries and built-in carrying handle
    Dimensions: 23.7 X 20.9 X 5.4 cm (9.3 X 8.2 X 2.1 in.)
    Weight: 1.2 kg (2.64 lbs)
    Rechargeable (and replaceable) batteries last up to 10 hours

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