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    Buah Merah

    Buah Merah

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Cara Pembayaran:
    We sell Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus) from Papua.
    Buah Merah, an original traditional medicine of Papua Indonesia. Buah Merah is processed of a natural buah merah (a pandan fruits, Pandanus conoideus, an endemic plant from a highland in Papua. Healing for any degenerative diseases, such as cancer, tumor, hepatitis, lever disease, prostate, diabetes, gout, cholesterol, hypertensi, stroke, and can be used for a healing of HIV.
    Total karotenoid 12.000 ppm
    Total tokoferol 11.000 ppm
    Betakaroten 700 ppm
    Alfa tokoferol 500 ppm
    Asam oleat 58 %
    Asam linoleat 8,8 %
    Asam linolenat 7,8 %
    Dekanoat 2,0 %
    If you're interesting you can call me at number :081357060345

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