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Wijaya Putra Andhika

Anggota Gratis
Wijaya Putra Andhika
Wijaya Putra Andhika


PilihKotak Centang dan klikatauatau
menampilkan 1-7 dari 7
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  • End Suction Centrifugal Pump Ebara FSA

    End Suction....

    Features :
    - Easy removal and maintenance, BPO ( Back Pull Out) system allows all rotating element to be removed without disconnecting suction and discharge pipework.
    - Top....

  • Submersible Pumps Ebara D' Series

    Submersible Pumps....

    Features :
    - For Sump, Effluent, Waste water and Sewage
    - A compeherensive range of Reliable, High quality Submersible pumps
    - Of Robust Cast Iron construction, with many....

  • Self Priming Pump Ebara SQPB Cast Iron

    Self Priming Pump....

    Features :
    - No priming is required excepting for initial use
    - Special designed casing provides very rapid priming for extended piping
    - Maintenance is facilitied due to....

  • Self Priming Pump Ebara SQPB Bronze

    Self Priming Pump....

    Features :
    - Water mixed with a little sand or mud can be pumped up due to semi-open impeller design
    - Easy installation wit engine for belt driven due to c.c.w rotation


  • Submersible Pumps Ebara BHS

    Submersible Pumps....

    Features :
    - Pump -
    The extensive use of stainless steel in the construction, together with extremely hard wearing ceramic bearings, results in a highly dyrable rust free pump....

  • Centrifugal Pump Ebara CD CDX

    Centrifugal Pump....

    Pompa centrifugal kipas tunggal dan kembar yang terbuat dari stainless steel AISI 304 dengan motor berkecepatan 2 poles yang didinginkan oleh ventilasi internal.


  • Mixed Flow Pump EBARA SZ

    Mixed Flow Pump....

    - Efisien tinggi dan ekonomis
    Rata-rata tinggi efisiensi 80% . Motor penggerak dengan kecepatan kecil diperlukan untuk mengurangi biaya operasi.
    - Bebas masalah operasi....

PilihKotak Centang dan klikatauatau
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