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Nomor telpon Ibu Virlie viseal di Jakarta Pusat
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Nomor ponsel Ibu Virlie viseal di Jakarta Pusat
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Nomor faks Ibu Virlie viseal di Jakarta Pusat
Jl.Angkasa Kav-B6 Mall Mega Glodok Kemayoran Blok:D5 NO.1,Blok:A10 NO.1,Blok:A10 NO.11
Jakarta Pusat 10610, Jakarta
Alamat Tervalidasi
pin BB 2219AA8A, 085883358833,, virlie,
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai

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safety equitments

safety equitments Supplied Air Respirators
Head Protection
Hearing Protection
Chemical Protective Suits
Industrial Safety Footwear
Ballistic Protection
Self Rescuers
Air Purifying Respirators
Eye Protection
Hand Protection
Permanent Instruments
Thermal Imaging Cameras
Fall Protection
Face Protection
Industrial Safety Apparel
Portable Instruments
Mine Lighting
pin BB 2219AA8A,085883358833,,virlie,
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Emergency Light exit,  Automatic Emergency Light,  Emergency Light,  lampu darurat,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995

Suitable for: Malls, Restaurant, Office, Banks, Cinemas, Public Halls, Auditorium, Hotels, Shops, Super Markets, Shopping Center, Hospital, etc.
http: / /
Breating apparatus,  SCBA,  Sekur DPI,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995

DIABLO PROFESSIONAL: DIABLO can be supplied with steel or composite cylinders even with a photolumi- nescent colouring. The cylinder can be also equipped with a rubber faceted....
MSA AUER Safety Equitments

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

MSA AUER Safety Equitments
Barrier Tape
Eye Protection
Face Protection
Fall Protection
Fire Service Product
First Aid Equipment & Stretcher
Hand Protection
Head& Face Protection,  Clear Face Shield,  Fireman Helmet,  Helm Pemadam Kebakaran,  Helmet PROTECTOR,  Safety Helmet with Earmuff,  V- Gard II,  Visor Holder Protector,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995

Head& Face Protection, bullrad, Clear Face Shield, Fireman Helmet, Helm Pemadam Kebakaran, Helmet PROTECTOR, Safety Helmet with Earmuff, V-Gard II, Visor Holder Protector, Face....
sarung tangan/ Hand Glove/ Working Glove/ Nitrile Gloves/ Hand Protection/ Finger Coat/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

sarung tangan/ Hand Glove/ Working Glove/ Nitrile Gloves/ Hand Protection/

VIRLIE ENGINEERING CO menjual sarung tangan dgn berbagai macam kegunaan seperti: Fine Touch Gloves, ....
hand gloves,  hand Protection,  Rubberex,  solvex,  sarung tangan rubber,  Ansell edmont,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

hand gloves, hand Protection, Rubberex, solvex, sarung tangan rubber, Ansell edmont,
Fitting like a second skin
100% nitrile construction
3 times more puncture resistant than....
Respiratory Protection,  Chemical Goggle,  Eye Protection,  AO safety,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

Respiratory Protection, Chemical Goggle, Eye Protection, AO safety,

Unistar Quarter Mask Respirator, Aerolite, Aerosite, AO 5 Star Reusable Air Purifying, Chemical Goggle, ....
Ambu Baby Manikin,  CPR Printer,  Pal,  Man,  Emergency Soft Pack,  ResCue Mask,  Mark IV Resuscitator,  Uniman,  Advance II Emergency Kit,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Ambu Baby Manikin, CPR Printer, Pal, Man, Emergency Soft Pack, ResCue Mask, Mark IV Resuscitator, Uniman, Advance II Emergency Kit,

Ambu, Ambu Baby Manikin, Ambu CPR Printer, ....
3M,  Eye Protection,  ,  Maintenance Free Particulate Respirator,  masker,  hearing protection,  Reusable Respirator,  Speedglas Welding Helmet,  Safety Goggle,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

3M, Eye Protection, , Maintenance Free Particulate Respirator, masker, hearing protection, Reusable Respirator, Speedglas Welding Helmet, Safety Goggle,

Eye Protection, ....
Petroleum Sorbent,  Chemical,  Maintenance,  Oil ,  Spill Management,  3M,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

Petroleum Sorbent, Chemical, Maintenance, Oil , Spill Management, 3M,

3M has a wide range of maintenance sorbents, chemical sorbents, oil sorbents and spill kits to meet your....
Cleaning Supplies and Equipment / alat kebersihan /

Harga : telp 33832900 , 085883358833 , 087882014995

Cleaning Supplies and Equipment
High Pressure Cleaner, Vacuum Cleaner,
Drain Cleaner, Trolley, Scrubber, Bin,
Bucket Wringer, Cleaning Set,
Floor Care, Floor Sign, Sweepers....
metal ditector / Hand Needle Metal Detector /

Harga : telp 33832900 , 085883358833 , 087882014995, 081388688801,

- Metal Detector GARRETT SuperScanner dan Super Wand untuk mendeteksi adanya bahan-bahan metal atau yang berbahaya.
- Under Ground Metal Detector untuk memeriksa bahan-bahan....
Gas Alert Quattro,  Multigas detector,  H2S,  CO,  O2,  LEL,  BW Honeywell,  Gas Detection,  Gas Monitor,  Gas Detector,  GasAlert BW,  H2S gas detector/ SO2 gas detector/ CO gas detector / O2 gas detector,  Gas Alert Quattro,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Gas Alert Quattro, Multigas detector, H2S, CO, O2, LEL, BW Honeywell, Gas Detection, Gas Monitor, Gas Detector, GasAlert BW, H2S gas detector/ SO2 gas detector/ CO gas detector / ....
MSA ALTAIR 4,  Multigas Detector,  LEL,  CO,  H2S,  O2,  auer,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

MSA ALTAIR 4, Multigas Detector, LEL, CO, H2S, O2, auer,
Approvals & Standards
Europe: ATEX II 2 G EEx ia d IIC T4, Tamb= -20 to 50Â º C
UL, Class I, Div. 1, Groups A B, C, D, ....
kompas,  compass,  alat navigasi,  penunjuk arah,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

kompas, compass, alat navigasi, penunjuk arah,

A compass is a navigational instrument that shows directions in a frame of reference that is stationary relative to the surface....
Clinometer,  mengukur ketinggian ,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Clinometer, mengukur ketinggian,
SUUNTO PM-5/ 360PC, SUNNTO TANDEM, SILVA Model 131 Boat, BRUNTON Clinometer, BARIGO Oil Dampening, PECO DCC-1 Digital, HAGLOF Electronic, Silva....
Distress Signal /

Harga : telp 33832900 , 085883358833 , 087882014995, 081388688801,

Para Red Rocket / red Parachute / Solas Parachute / Signal Rocket / MK8
Safety of life at sea( SOLAS) and the international life-saving appliance code ( MED) . It is accredited....
Safety light stick,  Cyalume Technologies,  Glow Sticks,  Light Up Sticks,  6 Inch Glow Stick,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

produk Cyalume datang dalam berbagai ukuran, warna dan intensitas iluminasi. Cyalume produk:
Dijamin tahan bocor, tahan air, dan tidak beracun
Adalah 100% dapat diandalkan....
Water Rations / food rations / First Aid Kits

Harga : telp 33832900 , 085883358833 , 087882014995, 081388688801,

Solas Liferaft/ Lifeboat First Aid Kit , Food Ration Emergency Food for Liferaft and Life Boat according to SOLAS , Drinking Ration Water emergency for Liferaft and Life Boat....
Portable Emergency Eye Wash Shower/ Lab Emergency eye shower/ emergency shower/ Emergency Eyewash Station/ EW 607 Emergency Eye Wash Drench Shower/ Blue Eagle

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Portable Emergency Eye Wash Shower/ Lab Emergency eye shower/ emergency shower/ Emergency Eyewash Station/ EW 607 Emergency Eye Wash Drench Shower/ Blue Eagle

emergency eyewash/ Lab Emergency eye/ Eye Wash Equipment/ Pencuci mata cuci darurat/ eye wash/ ew 402 eye wash/ wall mounted/ blue eagle,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

emergency eyewash/ Lab Emergency eye/ Eye Wash Equipment/ Pencuci mata cuci darurat/ eye wash/ ew 402 eye wash/ wall mounted/ blue eagle,

Eye Wash
Brand : Blue Eagle
Type : ....
Eye saline concentrate/ Eyesaline Personal Eyewash/ Eyesaline Wall Station/ air pencuci mata/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Eye saline concentrate/ Eyesaline Personal Eyewash/ Eyesaline Wall Station/ air pencuci mata/

Fend all,  Eyesaline Personal Eyewash,  Eyesaline Wall Station,  Eyewash,  Porta Stream I,  II,  III,  Fendall 1000,  2000,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Fend all, Eyesaline Personal Eyewash, Eyesaline Wall Station, Eyewash, Porta Stream I, II, III, Fendall 1000, 2000,

Eyesaline Personal Eyewash Product, Shower and Eyewash....
Shower Eyewash Station / Portable Haws/ Face Wash/ Drench Shower/ haws/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Shower Eyewash Station / Portable Haws/ Face Wash/ Drench Shower/ haws/

ABS Plastic Bow, Shower and Eyewash Station, HAWS 7602.10,
ABS Plastic Bowl 8300, HAWS 8300,
Standing eyewash,  EW407 emergency eye wash/ pedestal mounted/ Vertical Eyewash,  Free standing eye wash station/ blue eagle/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Standing eyewash, EW407 emergency eye wash/ pedestal mounted/ Vertical Eyewash, Free standing eye wash station/ blue eagle/

Full Body Harness,  KARAM,  KR PN 41,  KR PN 23,  KP PN 11,  KR PN 21,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

Full Body Harness, KARAM, KR PN 41, KR PN 23, KP PN 11, KR PN 21,
Full body hardness KP-PN 11, Full body hardness KP-PN 41 KARAM, Full body hardness KP-PN 21, Full body hardness....

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801


Basic Lifeline Set,  Set II,  Confined Space 2 Man Industrial Set.3324 9591715,  Entry Set,  3324-9591714,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Basic Lifeline Set, Set II, Confined Space 2 Man Industrial Set.3324 9591715, Entry Set, 3324-9591714,

Basic Lifeline Set II
As versatile as the basic Lifeline Set but with....
Safety Belt/ Lashing/ Roundsling/ Harness/ Lanyard/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Safety Belt/ Lashing/ Roundsling/ Harness/ Lanyard/

Kami menyediakan sabuk pengaman yang terbuat dari poliester, nilon dan lateks dengan hook aluminium paduan. Sabuk yang....
tali polyester/ tali nylon/ tali karmantel/ tali manila/ polyester rope/ nylon rope/ manila rope/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

tali polyester/ tali nylon/ tali karmantel/ tali manila/ polyester rope/ nylon rope/ manila rope/

Polyester Nylon Rope, TALI POLIESTER
3 untai kumparan tali. Breaking....
Anchor/ Carabiner/ Connector/ Descender/ Harnesses/ BEAL/ Petzl/ karmantel/ carmante l

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

karmantel/ carmantel/ Anchor/ Carabiner/ Connector/ Descender/ Harnesses/ BEAL/ Petz l/

Helmet, Lanyard& Energy Absorbers, Mobile Fall Arrester, RopeClamp/ Asecender/ Headlamp....
Lower Back Support Belt,  pengaman pinggang,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Lower Back Support Belt, pengaman pinggang,

many areas for Lower Back Support Belt, lift heavy objects is only part of the work. Sorry, bad lifting injury fast and easy to....
Face Protection/ pelindung wajah muka/ Face Shields Visor/ Visor Holder/ kedok las/ Welding Helmat/ Welding Mask/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Face Protection/ pelindung wajah muka/ Face Shields Visor/ Visor Holder/ kedok las/ Welding Helmat/ Welding Mask/

VIRLIE ENGINEERING CO menjual kedok las seperti: Welding....
Eye Protection,  Kacamata keselamataan,  Safety goggle,  Anti Fog Goggles,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Eye Protection, Kacamata keselamataan, Safety goggle, Anti Fog Goggles,

King' s Safety Accessoris Eyewear Collection from King' s, with: # UV High quality PC Lens filter out....
Erie Medical Emergency Oxygen/ Medical First-Aid Equipment/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995

Erie Medical Emergency Oxygen/ Medical First-Aid Equipment/

The immediate availability of oxygen in a respiratory crisis cannot be over-emphasized. In fact, speed in which....
traffic cone,  Kerucut Jalan.,  Flexible PVC Traffic Cone,  CONE CONNECTORS,  CONES RETRACTABLE,  CONE TRAFFIC WORK,  road barrier,  Stick Cone,  Soft PVC Material,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

traffic cone, Kerucut Jalan., Flexible PVC Traffic Cone, CONE CONNECTORS, CONES RETRACTABLE, CONE TRAFFIC WORK, road barrier, Stick Cone, Soft PVC Material,

CATU Rescue Hooks,  Telescopic Rescue Sticks,  Voltage Detectors,  Insulated Cable Cutters,  Insulated Platforms,  Insulating Gloves,  Insulated Boots,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

CATU Rescue Hooks, Telescopic Rescue Sticks, Voltage Detectors, Insulated Cable Cutters, Insulated Platforms, Insulating Gloves, Insulated Boots,

CATU Electrical Safety....
Bullard helmet,  Fire Service Products,  PX Series,  Extreme Rescue Helmet,  Fire Fighting Helmets AX Series,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

Bullard helmet, Fire Service Products, PX Series,
Extreme Rescue Helmet, Fire Fighting Helmets AX Serie, Fire Rescue Helmet FX Series, Fire Rescue Helmet LT Series, Fire Rescue....
Waterproof Flashlight,  Lantern,  BRIGHT STAR,  Safety Lighting,  senter,  EX,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

Waterproof Flashlight/ Lantern/ BRIGHT STAR/ Safety Lighting/ senter/ EX,

Waterproof Flashlights, Lantern, BRIGHT STAR, Safety Lightings, Division 1 ( Hazardous Location) ....
barrier tape,  police line,  garis polisi,  warning tape,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

barrier tape, police line, garis polisi, warning tape
Tapes Label, police line, garis polisi, barrier tape, WARNING TAPE, peringatan lalu lintas, Barricade Tape, Pita Pembatas, ....
Rescue Tool,  Mobil Rescue Set,  Cutter and Door Opener Set,

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Rescue Tool/ Mobil Rescue Set/ Cutter and Door Opener Set/

Anchorage AK0100 PROTECTA, Anchorage AM100, Anchorage AM210, Anchorage AM450/ 80, Anchorage AT052/ 1, Anchorage....
MASTER LOCK/ Steel Body Padlock/ Adjustable Cable Lockout/ Circuit Breaker Switch Padlock/ Lockout/ Tagout Equipment/ Padlock Lockout Station/ Safety Lockout Hasp/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

MASTER LOCK/ Steel Body Padlock/ Adjustable Cable Lockout/ Circuit Breaker Switch Padlock/ Lockout/ Tagout Equipment/ Padlock Lockout Station/ Safety Lockout Hasp

LifeStraw/ Sedotan Kehidupan/ dirty water clean/ Sedotan Pemfilter Air Portable/ Filter Air/ Water Filter/ Water Purifier/ alat filter air/ Pemurni Air Portable/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

LifeStraw/ Sedotan Kehidupan/ dirty water clean/ Sedotan Pemfilter Air Portable/ Filter Air/ Water Filter/ Water Purifier/ alat filter air/ Pemurni Air Portable/

metal ditector/ Hand Needle Metal Detector/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

metal ditector/ Hand Needle Metal Detector/

Metal Detector GARRETT SuperScanner dan Super Wand untuk mendeteksi adanya bahan-bahan metal atau yang berbahaya.
Under Ground....
MASKR/ anti pollution/ mask plus activated carbon/ PROSCRAFT/ Chemisorb Mask/ Masker hitam Anti Polusi/ MASKR LONG,  MULTY SHORT/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

MASKR/ anti pollution/ mask plus activated carbon/ PROSCRAFT/ Chemisorb Mask/
Masker hitam Anti Polusi/ MASKR LONG, MULTY SHORT/

masker yg cocok untuk dipakai pengendara....
Blue eagle safety/ bump cap/ faceshield visor/ emergency eyewash shower/ dust goggle/ safety belt harness/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801

Blue eagle safety/ bump cap/ faceshield visor/ emergency eyewash shower/ dust goggle/ safety belt harness/

Kimberly clark/ eye protection/ gove/ oil sorbent/ hand cleaner/ Protection Apparel/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

Kimberly clark/ eye protection/ gove/ oil sorbent/ hand cleaner/ Protection Apparel/

KLEENGUARD V20 Comfort Eye Protection,
KLEENGUARD V30 Flexible Eye Protection,
Hearing Protection/ Pelindung Telinga/ ear plug/ Hearplugs/ Earmuff/

Harga : telp 33832900,085883358833,087882014995,081388688801,

Hearing Protection/ Pelindung Telinga/ ear plug/ Hearplugs/ Earmuff/

HOWARD LEIGHT Airsoft/ Laser-Lite/ Max/ Max-Lite/ Quiet,
E.A.R Caboflex, Corded Reusable Earplug, E-A-R....
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