Velvet Consulting
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Velvet Consulting
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Nn. Inggar Andita
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Nomor faks Nn. Inggar Andita di Panembahan
Jl. Mangunegaran Kidul 19A
Panembahan 55131, Yogyakarta
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai

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HargaIDR 8.000.000,- (10% discount for more than single registration)
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & Pengirimana 4 days in class public training
Negara AsalIndonesia


•Date: 02 – 05 November 2009
•Time: 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
•Venue: Melia Purosani Hotel, Yogyakarta
•Language : Bahasa Indonesia
•Facilitator : Josef Hernawan Nudu, ST, MT & team

This course focuses on the engineering requirements for the specification, design, analysis, and justification of safety instrumented systems for the process industries. Students will learn how to determine safety integrity levels and evaluate whether proposed or existing systems meet the performance requirements.

Course Objective:
• Differentiate between process control and safety control
• Understand the design basis of recent standards, guidelines, and recommended practices including ANSI/ISA, IEC, AIChE, API, NFPA, IEEE, and OSHA
• Evaluate process risk levels
• Determine Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) using a variety of techniques
• Analyze the performance of different logic system technologies
• Analyze the performance of various sensor, logic, and final element configurations, as well as the impact of diagnostics, test intervals, common cause, system size, and more
• Determine optimum system test intervals
• Specify and select safety instrumented systems
• Satisfy the documentation requirements for process safety management, regulations, and industry standards

Course topics:
• Introduction: Acceptable Risk | Danger of Overconfidence and Complacency | Lessons Learned from Past Accidents
• Guidelines and Standards: ANSI/ISA | AIChE | IEC | API | NFPA | HSE | IEEE | OSHA
• General SIS Design Considerations: Design Life Cycle | Separation of Control and Safety | Independent Safety Layers
• Hazard and Risk Assessment: Hazard Identification | Risk Assessment | Determining Safety Integrity Levels | Layer of Protection Analysis
• Failure Rates and Modes: Safe vs. Dangerous | Failure Mode vs. Technology | Failure Rates | Test Intervals
• System Technologies: Pneumatic | Relays | Microprocessors | Field Devices | Certification | Prior Use
• Operations and Maintenance: Installation | Bypassing | Testing | Management of Change
• Class Example: Putting it all together

• Calculate device failure rates and determine safe vs. dangerous performance
• Model system performance for relay and software based logic systems
• Model the impact of field devices, automatic diagnostics, manual test intervals, common cause, and more
• Determine the SIL (safety integrity level) of a sample process and design an SIS to meet the performance requirements

Who should attend:
Superintendents and Supervisors of Operational Function, Production, Drilling, Maintenance, Production Engineering as well as Fire and Safety Staff.

Certificate, Hand out, Training kit, Lunch & Coffee Breaks, Souvenir, and Documentation

Term & Conditions
v Time, schedule & venue can be changed anytime you need or training can be conducted anytime, as per your special request
v Discount prices will be given if more than 2 (two) person register for the training.
v Cash on first day training.
v Or transfer the payment to DWI MARYANY, PT BANK MANDIRI KCP Katamso : A/C No. 137-00-0623325-4 and Fax the slip to 0274 381231 or Email as attachment at
v For Info, please call Andita at (0274 381231) or Email: /
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