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Toko Mesin dan Alat Teknik ( PD. PERALATAN TEKNIK) 021-60799777, 081215608000 atau 082122229931 PERALATANTEKNIK.COM Flow Meter Oil, Water Meter

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Toko Mesin dan Alat Teknik ( PD. PERALATAN TEKNIK) 021-60799777, 081215608000 atau 082122229931 PERALATANTEKNIK.COM Flow Meter Oil, Water Meter
  • Jual

    WATER METER MULTIMAG II,  Telp. 021-60799777 HP. 081215608000

    WATER METER MULTIMAG II, Telp. 021-60799777 HP. 081215608000

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Cara Pembayaran:
    Transfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
    The Multimag TM II is a multi jet turbine cold water meter with an extra dry register in plastic or metallic versions.
    This meter is ideal for all residential applications, regardless of the installation conditions.
    The TM II combines the robustness of the hydraulic components, typical of multi-jet technology, with the long-term reliability of the extra dry register. With high performance magnetic coupling, no parts of the register are in contact with water passing through the meter.

    Jl. Petojo VIY Dalam No. 9 Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia
    Telp. + 62 21 60799777 Fax. + 62 21 44228880 HP. 0812 1560 8000
    Email: Peralatanteknikindustri@

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