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Moisture Analyzer, KAIYUAN 5E-MW6500
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & Pengiriman1 Set
Negara AsalChina


This instrument is used to determine the total moisture and air dry moisture in coal and coke, and it provides microwave heating and lightwave heating method. During microwave heating, the water molecules present in coal vibrate rapidly to cause heat to evolve. The samples are weighed by a built-in automatic balance before and after drying, and the weight loss determines the moisture present. It is equipped with a PC to control the analyzer and integrated 0.0001 gr balance to fully automate the system.

Analysis range: 0.1-97%
Analysis time:
-Microwave method: 15-30 minutes
-Lightwave method: 20-40 minutes
Sample mass:
- Total moisture: 10-12 grams
- Air dry moisture: 0.8-1.2 grams
Particle size:
- Total moisture: < 6mm
- Air dry moisture: < 0.2mm
Sample number: 8
Power: 3.5 kW
Dimensions ( cm) : 51W x 40D x 64H

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