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Tn. Mahmuda [Penjualan]


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Komp. Villa Dago Blok J11 No.1 - Pamulang
Tangerang Selatan 15416, Banten

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Jammer WIFI | penghancur sinyal GSM | + 62821 22 159454 | Celluler Jammer TG-Optima 5CA | Jammer WIFI | Jammer CDMA | bloking signal | jammer signal | Penghalang Sinyal | Alat penghilang sinyal | handphone jammer
HargaRp. 8.500.000
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanBaru
Jammer WIFI | penghancur sinyal GSM | 0821 22 159454 | jammer CDMA | bloking signal | jammer WIFI | jammer signal | penghalang sinyal | signal bBloking | alat penghilang sinyal | handphone jammer | celluler jammer
Info : 0821 22 159454 atau YM : Csoptimashops

= = = = = Signal jammer TG-Optima 5CA= = = = =

Features :

# Portable remote control, adopts a high and low frequency to divide frequency. It is portable, block down link, no effect base station
# Band switch can adjust output power and block jamming radius. Each band can be working separately and simultaneously way
# Used in aternating current( AC) , different countries use different AC adapter, can be used worldwidely, with the design to make sure jammer work in high-performance
# High efficiency cooling technology
# 5V 12A power supply, to secure long time and stable operation

( * ) Signal Jammer Description:
Antenna installation before using: There are antenna connector and led light for output power. Please screw antenna to corresponding condition according to remark on the device and the antennas.

Power Connection: The power plug with 3 holes, please screw it right way, when turn on, the led power supply will be green, when turn on jammer in ' on' status, means jammer is working. It is working normal when lights of each channel is green, switch of each band can adjust output power and turn on/ off.

Specification :

( * ) Adjustable output power :
( * ) 3G/ WCDMA/ CAMA2000; 2110-2170 MHz
( * ) CDMA800; 850-894 MHz
( * ) DCS1800; 1805-1880 MHz
( * ) GSM900; 925-960 MHz
( * ) 3G/ TD-WCDMA; 1930-1990 MHz
( * ) Dimension : ( L * W* H) : 200* 165* 60mm* Total output power: 12W
( * ) Total output power: 12W
( * ) Jamming range: Radius up to 40m, The jamming Radius still depends on the strength signal in given area
( * ) Adjustable output power, each band can be controlled separately and simulatneously.
( * ) Working time: May continue to work 24/ 7
( * ) External Omni directional Antennas
( * ) All the TX frequency covered down link only.
( * ) Dimension : ( L * W* H) : 200* 165* 60mm
( * ) Full Set Weight: 2.8KG

Note :
* The shielding range of the device will be determined by the local signal strength. In different station, it will be with different performance.
* Please try to put the device in a higher position while it is working, It will be better, the suggested height is 2M.
* To avoid the loss of function of the device, please try to avoid the device being put on the metal materials.
* While it is working, the surface temperature is about 45 . It is normal. Howerver, if it is higher than 45 , it is abnormal, please put the power SW to OF immediately and try to contact your local distributor orr agent.
* Do not put the device near computers, notebooks, televisions, stereos, radios and so on, in order not to make interference for these equipments.
* If the antenna is not properly insta led in accordance will the manuals, the shielding range will be not so good.

Replace unit 1 minggu setelah tanggal pembelian selanjutnya garansi service/ perbaikan.
Deskripsi garansi :
- Tidak termasuk karena disebabkan huru hara/ sabotase
- Kondisi alam yang ekstrim ( tersambar petir)
- Tegangan listrik yang tidak stabil ( tegangan mendadak naik diluar kewajaran)
- Karena kesalahan pengguna ( human error)

Info Lebih Lanjut Hub:


Hp : 0821 22 159454
Telp : 021-74637308 ( Hunting )
YM : csoptimashops
e-Mail : mamu@
Website : http: / /
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