Keterangan :
We supply and fabricate Aeromodeling Shop Equipment and model building materials such as:
- Propeller
- Light Wheels
- Model Accessories
- Aerograde Balsa Wood
- Bonding and Composite Material , Epoxy Glue, CA GLue, Fiberglass, Carbon Fibre
- Model Propulsion , Electric prop Set, Glow Piston Engine, Diesel Piston Engine, Gas Piston Engine, Engine Test Stand, Tachometer
- Model Flight Simulation Set
- Basic Level Radio Control Module
- Advanced Level R/ C Module
- Model Field Equipment, Field Tool box with Craft Craddle, Electric Starter, Glow Starter reguler w/ charger, Hand Crank Fuel Pump, Gel Lead Acid Battery.
- Portable Shop Equipment, Hand Drilling Machine, Hand Grinding Machine, Cordless Screw Driver.
- Bench Shop Equipment
Bench Drilling Machine, Bench Grinding Machine, Bench Vise, Sanding Machine.