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Silva Anemometers: Silva ADC Summit wind speed[18 Oct. 2011, 0:12:52]
Harga081385857180 - 081210146646
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTunai
JumlahReady Stocek
Kemas & PengirimanPack
The New Silva ADC summit features a waterproof housing, a large clear LCD screen with full graphic information and graphs and LCD illumination. The Silva ADC summit precisely measures, wind speed ( current, max and average) , temperature ( current, windchill and min windchill) along with having a clock, with date and an alarm and a cronograph with race timer. In addition the Silva ADC summit has a built in altimater/ barometer offering ( current, max, min) , weather forecast and data log memory ( 1984 readings) , and it also compatible with the ADC IR ( optional accessory) for infrared communication with your PC via your USB port.


* Waterproof housing
* Graphic LCD for info/ graphs
* Click on attachment
* LCD Illumination
* Clock, date, alarm
* Cronograph, racetimer
* Wind ( current, max, min)
* Temp ( current, windchill, min wind chill)
* Altimeter ( current, max, min)
* Barometer ( current, max, min)
* Weather Forecast
* Data log memory ( 1984 readings)
* Infrared communication with PC ( to optional ADR IR)


* Wind speed Accuracy: + / - 5%
* Dimensions: 11 x 5.5 x 2cm
* Temperature range: -20 to + 60 degrees C
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