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Terminal wartel satelit, FleetPhone Oceana 800, ocena 800, FWT satelit, wartel satelit, satelit wartel, warsat, warsel[18 Dec. 2011, 7:39:45]
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FleetPhone Oceana 800, Fix wireless phone satelit, fwp satelit, All-in-one maritime satellite, tera 800, terminal satelit,

For order : sales@
unit indent jika stok habis.

Oceana 800 adalah jenis telepon satelit yang sangat cocok digunakan untuk wartel dgn pulsa satelit.

Dapat digunakan di darat dan dilaut, jika digunakan di darat gunakan antena pasif dan jika di gunakan di laut bisa gunakan antena
Type antena aktif lebih cocok untuk kendaraan yg bergerak.pada setiap unit antenna terdapat 2 port/ connector di dlm satu antenanya.kedua port untuk koneksi ke kabel GPS dan kabel satelit.for detail

Fleetphone oceana 800, memiliki dua port connection cable di sisi tengah atas dari unitnya dimana port pertama yg di sisi kiri untuk cable antena satelit dan port kedua di sisi kanan untuk cable GPS.see detail specification in

Didalam terminal oceana 800 terdapat dua slot sim card dimana slot sim card pertama yg terletak di kanan bawah dr unit sebagai master simcard/ private simcard ( chips simcard only ) dan pada slot kedua yg terletak di samping kanan bawah dari unit berfungsi untuk wartel ( full size simcard )

Saat simcard kedua di aktifkan secara otomatis master simcard akan non aktif.

Master simcard bisa digunakan untuk incoming dan outgoing call untuk private use only.dan Slot simcard kedua u cadangan dimana hal ini sangat cocok untuk ditempatkan / dijadikan wartel satelit di wilayah yang sama sekali belum terjangkau jaringan telekomunikasi seperti di wilayah remote area, pertambangan, perkebunan, oil and gas company yg selama ini masih menggunakan VSAT dgn kualitas kurang memuaskan jika cuaca extrem.sementara dgn ocean 800 fleetphone tdk berpengaruh thp kondisi cuaca krn menggunakan satelit L

Operator yg di gunakan adalah inmarsat inggris, untuk kawasan asia khususnya indonesia letak satelit inmarsat berada di atas papua nugini atau lintang timur, untuk itu saat meletakkan antena lakukan pointing antena ke arah

untuk penggunaan di kantor pada lokasi remote area fleetphone ocean 800 bisa di koneksikan ke PABX.

fleetphone ocean 800 di lengkapi layar lcd/ display sehingga bisa digunakan untuk kirim dan terima sms.

sangat hemat jika komunikasi antar inmarsat dari kantor pusat ke kantor cabang yg di remote area krn biaya hanya sekitar USD.0, 98/ menit.

The Oceana 800 offers dependable access to voice, low-speed data communications and easy-to-use SMS at sea. Easy to install and compact the Oceana 800 is ideally suited to commercial, fishing, leisure and government vessels with voice, low data rate and tracking requirements. It also supports multi-user capability and free 505 Emergency Calling


* Competitively priced
* Powered by I-4 satellites for reliable network connection
* Global coverage provides flexibility in route planning
* Low cost calls for as low as 55¢ per minute*
* Designed around the IsatPhone Pro core module for proven technology
* Flexibility to meet any maritime voice requirement via two models
* Can be integrated into PABX for multiple us

. Cargo Vessels
. Cruise Ship
. Ferry Transports
. Fishing vessels
. Leisure / pleasure boats
. Luxury Yacht
. Search and Rescue
. Marine Oil / drilling rigs
. Vessel tracking and monitoring
. Crew Calling
. Captain Calling

. High quality IP54 rated maritime enclosure
. Colour LCD screen
. Compact all-in-one design
. Wall or desk mounting options
. Lock bolt for securing to wall
. Accessible control buttons
. Integrated antenna connections
. In-built Slimline active privacy handset
. In-built speakerphone
. Cable routing LHS/ TOP/ BOTTOM
. Dual SIM card enclosures

. 10 â 32V DC Input
. 110/ 240V AC Plug pack ( included)

Inmarsat-4 Satellite
GMR-2+ Frequency Bands
Tx Operating Frequency : 1626.5 - 1660.5 MHz
Rx Operating Frequency : 1518 â 1565 MHz ( Inmarsat)
1565.19 â 1585.65 MHz ( GPS)
RF Output Impedance : 50 Ohms
Carrier frequencies : Channel 0 = 1626.525 MHz
Channel 169 = 1660.475 MHz

. Support up to 600m ( 2000â ) of RJ11 cable runs
. Standard Dial, ring & busy tones
. Integrates easily to PABX System
. Support standard corded, cordless and DECT phones
. Auto-dial & speed dials available

. RJ11/ POTS interface
. In-built phonebook/ contacts
. Privacy handset calling
. In-built handsfree speakerphone
. Access from PABX or other corded/ cordless handsets
. Bluetooth headsets ( not included)

. Supports LeoTRAK-Online and other tracking applications
. Dedicated internal GPS receiver

. Periodic location messages
. SMS, SMS to email
. Location message sent upon button press
. Ignition ON/ OFF reporting
. Remote location polling via SMS

Instant Message Mode
. Single button press on terminal
. Instant GPS location messages
. Supports external â man downâ pendant or button
. Remote clearing of alert via SMS

Tracking / Instant message content includes
. Message ID#
. Header
. Latitude/ Longitude
. Speed
. Direction

Other Key Features
. Adjustable Brightness
. Supported by Inmarsatâ s FleetPhone service
. Support Inmarsat ' 505' Emergency calling.

Kit Contents :
Oceana 800 Terminal
ISD710 Maritime Antenna ( Active)
Privacy Handset
1 x spring cup ( attached to terminal)
1 x Springless Cup
110-240V AC Plug Pack, 15V DC Out
10-32V DC Power Cable
USB Cable
2m Alert wiring loop
Wall mounting plate
User Manual
Quick Start Guide
Installation Guide
simcard + pulsa 100 unit

For Order indent 1 month by email : sales@

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