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Jl.Raya Legoso Blok A6 No.7 Komplek Telkom Ciputat Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta 15419, Jakarta

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Small Form Pluggable ( SFP Gb STM1 STM4 10G)
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & PengirimanBox
Negara AsalChina


Small Form-factor Pluggable ( SFP) modules are compact optical transceivers used in optical communications which provide the same functionality as a regular GBIC, but in a much smaller and denser physical size. SFP modules are used in variety of Siscom equipments for their extremely small size and flexiblly hotswappable characteristic, enabling a fast and convenient installation of Siscom products.
Highlighted for the confirmation to standardized physical and electrical characteristics, the depoyment of SFP modules makes carriers inventory investment much smaller for there is
no vendor limitation.
Siscom provides various types of SFP modules for different applications, including CWDM wavelength specific SFP which can directly connect with CWDM transmission system and normally used SFP which can work with other vendors' equipments. SFP modules provide two versions: normal version and DDM ( digital diagnostic monitoring function) version. Compliance with Multi-Source Agreement ( MSA) enables the compatibility with other vendors' equipments which are equipped with SFP cage.

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