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Katalog Produk

Aluline 111 50W G53 12V 8D, 24D 1CT/ 6
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanAluline 111 50W G53 12V 8D 1CT/6
Negara AsalIndonesia
Low-voltage aluminium reflector
ALUline PRO 111
Low-voltage halogen reflector
lamp with high-purity aluminium
A metal cap shields the filament
to reduce glare when looking in
the direction of the light source.
This cap also prevents direct light
from mixing with reflected light,
resulting in a smooth beam with
a very sharp contrast.
The ALUline lamp can be
electrically connected with a
dedicated G53 socket, or using
screw or tab terminals.
The terminals allow direct wire
connection with a mating eyelet
or receptacle.
Thanks to the use of UV-block
quartz and low-pressure halogen
burner technology, ALUline lamps
can safely be used in open
Some lamp parts can reach a
temperature of 350 º C, so
precautions must be taken to
prevent burning of fingers.
ALUline lamps are often applied
in technically styled fixtures for
accent lighting.
Typical applications include:
- shop lighting
- exhibitions and art galleries
- museum lighting