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    Fruit and vegetable Crispy

    Fruit and vegetable Crispy

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    14x20.5 cm and 12x16 cm
    100% natural. No addictive, no preservative.

    We use the ripe fruit and vegetable to process. So people are able to get the original taste.

    The vacuum fry method maintains the taste, aroma, color and nutrition of the product.

    Moreover, this process will not have the fat left. So, all people can enjoy it.

    Today, people worldwide focus more in healthy. This product is 100% natural and the taste and aroma are very strong.

    Therefore, our product should be met the target.

    Currently, our major product is banana chip, pineapple chip, carrot stick and durian chip ( seasonal) .

    We are developing Chinese bitter and rambutant. We expected to place into the market in the next few month.

    For seafood, we are able to supply small fish, squid and shrimp crispy.

    Our product is not only being a snack, but it also able to be adapted in many forms such as Hors d' oeuvres, topping for ice cream or yogurt, cereal etc. Hence, it should be one of your choices for your market.

    Lastly, we can arrange both in bulk and in our brand called, Bright.

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