SCG 500 consists of special hard wearing aggregates selected for their physical
properties of abrasion and wear resistance, cement andspecial additive
to improve workability. This combination produces a material which is easy to trowel
in the surface of fresh, wet concrete.
SCG 500 provides a highly abrasion resistant surface to fresh concrete floors by the
dry shake method which ensures that the hard wearing surface bonds monolithically
to the base concrete. It is ideally suited for all industrial areas subjected to heavy
traffic, e.g Power stations, heavy buildings, distillation plants, abattoirs, laboratories,
warehouse floors, loading bays, and work shop.
The average consumption is 3 to 7 kg of SCG 500 powder per-m2, the thickness
of the surface is about 2 - 3 mm.
Color : Natural, grey, green, red, etc.
Specific Gravity : 2, 45 kg/ litre
Apparent Density : 1, 4 kg/ litre