Anggota Gratis
SECUREWAREs - We are Care After Sale Service - SECUREWAREs

menampilkan 60 dari 90

Katalog Produk

DH-4100, 8100 & 6100
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Negara AsalTaiwan
H.264 standard compression algorithm, low bitrate, high picture quality
3G phone remote view almost real time ( PDA or Smart Phone or Symbian)
Dual Stream - Individual network videostream and DVR record stream
CMS / IE Embedded client software
Network DVR menu complete setup, remote playback, remote backup
Schedule Record. Schedule motion, Schedule Alarm
Alarm Triger to Multi video channels, Post alaram record
Graphic Menu, PTZ preset, Auto Cruise
VGA output, Mouse Control