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    1 IMO 007E IMO Basic Documents Volume 2 2003 Rp441, 700
    2 IMO 013E Convention on the International Maritime Organisation 1984 Rp313, 900
    3 IMO 020E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-20th session 1997 ( Res 839-873) 1998 Rp839, 300
    4 IMO 021E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-21st session 1999 ( Res 874-901) 2000 Rp732, 800
    5 IMO 022E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-22nd session 2001 ( Res 902-935) 2002 Rp377, 200
    6 IMO 023E Resolutions & other Decisions of the 23rd Assembly ( Resolutions 936-965) 2004 Rp903, 200
    7 IMO 027E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-1st session 1959 ( Res 1-20) 1959 Rp342, 300
    8 IMO 029E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-2nd session 1961 ( Res 21-43) 1961 Rp342, 300
    9 IMO 031E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-3rd session 1963 & 1st extra session 1963( Res44-68) 1963 Rp342, 300
    10 IMO 035E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-4th session 1965 & 2nd extra session 1964( Res69-107) 1966 Rp370, 700
    11 IMO 039E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-5th session 1967 & 3rd extra session 1966 ( Res108-145) 1967 Rp370, 700
    12 IMO 043E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-6th session 1969 & 4th extra session 1968 ( Res146-201) 1969 Rp392, 000
    13 IMO 047E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-7th session 1971 ( Res 202-258) 1971 Rp392, 000
    14 IMO 051E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-8th session 1973 ( Res259-314) 1974 Rp420, 400
    15 IMO 055E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-9th session 1975 & 5th extra session 1974 ( Res315-370) 1976 Rp420, 400
    16 IMO 059E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-10th session 1977 ( Res371-409) 1978 Rp448, 800
    17 IMO 063E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-11th session 1979( Res410-462) 1980 Rp541, 100
    18 IMO 068E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-12th session 1981( Res463-512) 1982 Rp597, 900
    19 IMO 073E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-13th session 1983( Res513-557) 1984 Rp597, 900
    20 IMO 100E IBC Code-Intl Code for Construct/ Equip of Ships Carry Danger Chemicals in Bulk ( MAIN BOOK) 2007 Rp1, 194, 300
    21 IMO 104E IGC Code-Intl Code for Construction/ Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 1993 Rp626, 300
    22 IMO 110E SOLAS CONSOLIDATED 2009 Rp2, 003, 700
    23 IMO 115E Inernational Medical Guide for Ships 03Ed2007 Rp1, 599, 000
    24 IMO 116E ISPS Code 2003 Rp633, 400
    25 IMO 117E ISM code, International Safety Management Code & GUIDELINES ON IMPLEMENTATION 2010 Rp526, 900
    26 IMO 120E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-14th session 1985( Res558-595) 1986 Rp541, 100
    27 IMO 126E Index of IMO Resolutions 04ED2004 Rp569, 500
    28 IMO 130E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-15th session 1987( Res596-635) 1988 Rp597, 900
    29 IMO 136E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-16th session 1989( Res636-679) 1990 Rp676, 000
    30 IMO 142E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-17th session 1991( Res680-732) 1992 Rp676, 000
    31 IMO 148E Comprehensive Index of Valid Technical Guidelines and Recommendations 1998 Rp463, 000
    32 IMO 155E International Code for Fire Safety System ( FSS Code) 02Ed2007 Rp789, 600
    33 IMO 160E SOLAS-Resolution of the 1997 SOLAS Conference relating to Bulk Carrier Safety 1999 Rp463, 000
    34 IMO 165E IGC Code Amend 94/ 96-Intl Code for Const/ Equip of Ships Carry LG in Bulk-AMENDMENT 1994/ 1996 1998 Rp299, 700
    35 IMO 175E SOLAS Amendment 2008, 2009, 2010 2010 Rp491, 400
    36 IMO 180E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-18th session 1993 ( Res733-779) 1994 Rp789, 600
    37 IMO 185E International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft( HSC) , 2000 2008 Rp739, 900
    38 IMO 187E HSC Code-International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft 1995 Rp732, 800
    39 IMO 194E Resolutions & other Decisions of the Assembly-19th session 1995( Res780-838) 1996 Rp839, 300
    40 IMO 200E IMDG Code-International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code VOL 1 & 2 2010 Rp2, 948, 000
    41 IMO 210E IMDG Code SUPPLEMENT / Emergency Procedures For Ships Carrying Dangerous Good ( EMS) 2010 Rp1, 464, 100
    42 IMO 222E Multimodal Dangerous Goods Form 1999 Rp384, 900
    43 IMO 222E Multimodal Dangerous Goods Form 1999 Rp384, 900
    44 IMO 223E Dangerous Goods Labels, Marks & Signs ( Wall Chart) 2008 Rp470, 100
    45 IMO 240E Intl Grain Code-International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk 1991 Rp434, 600
    46 IMO 260E IMSBC Code-Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes 2009 Rp1, 059, 400
    47 IMO 265E Enhanced Inspection Programme Surveys Tankers Bulk Carrier 2008 Rp569, 500
    48 IMO 266E Code of Safe Practice for the Safe Loading & Unloading of Bulk Carriers [ BLU Code] 2011 Rp434, 600
    49 IMO 267E Recommendations on the Safe use of Pesticides in Ships * * * * * Out of Print* * * * * 2008 Rp546, 200
    50 IMO 275E Code of Safe Practice for Ships carrying Timber Deck Cargoes 1992 Rp434, 600
    51 IMO 282E International Convention for Safe Containers 1972 ( CSC) 04ED1996 Rp406, 200
    52 IMO 284E Guidelines for Packing of Cargo Transport Units ( CTU´ s) ( IMO/ ILO/ UN ECE) 1997 Rp448, 800
    53 IMO 288E Code of Safe Practice for the Carriage of Cargoes & Persons by Offshore Supply Vessels ( OSV Code) 2000
    54 IMO 289E Guideline Transport/ Handling Hazardous& Noxious Sub, 2007 2007 Rp519, 800
    55 IMO 290E Recom on Safe Transport of Dangerous Cargoes & Related Activities in Port Areas 2007 Rp654, 700
    56 IMO 292E Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage & Securing ( MAIN BOOK) 2011 Rp654, 700
    57 IMO 298E Guidelines for the Preparation of the Cargo Securing Manual per Rp356, 500
    58 IMO 350E FAL Convention, Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic1965, as amended 08Ed2006 Rp626, 300
    59 IMO 370M International Signs to Provide Guidance to Persons at Airports & Marine Terminals NIL Rp789, 600
    60 IMO 371E General Declaration FAL Forms ( One pad 50 Sheets) 1987 Rp285, 500
    61 IMO 372E Cargo Declaration FAL Forms ( One pad 50 Sheets) 1987 Rp285, 500
    62 IMO 373E Ship´ s Stores Declaration FAL Forms ( One pad 50 Sheets) 1987 Rp285, 500
    63 IMO 374E Crew´ s Effects Declaration FAL Forms ( One pad 50 Sheets) 1987 Rp285, 500
    64 IMO 375E Crew List FAL Forms ( One pad 50 Sheets) 1987 Rp285, 500
    65 IMO 376E Passenger List FAL Forms ( One pad 50 Sheets) 1987 Rp285, 500
    66 IMO 402E Intl Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties 1969 1977 Rp356, 500
    67 IMO 410E International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Poll Damage 1969 1977 Rp356, 500
    68 IMO 418E Official Records of the International Legal Conference on Marine Pollution Damage 1969 1973 Rp434, 600
    69 IMO 423E Official Records Compensation Fund NIL Rp413, 300
    70 IMO 436E Intl Legal Conference on Carriage of Passengers & their Luggage on board Ships & Supp 1974 2003 Rp384, 900
    71 IMO 444E Intl Conf Limit Liability Mar Claim 1976 1977 Rp370, 700
    72 IMO 448E Record Intl Conf Limit Mar Claim 1976 1983 Rp463, 000
    73 IMO 450E International Conference on Salvage 1989 1989 Rp392, 000
    74 IMO 456E Intl Conf on Liability & Compensation for Damage in Connexion Carriage of Certain Subst by Sea 1985 Rp420, 400
    75 IMO 462E SUA Convention- Intl Conference on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation 1988 2006 Rp470, 100
    76 IMO 473E Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1996 Rp491, 400
    77 IMO 479E HNS Conv, Intl Conv on Liability & Compensation Damage Carr Hazard/ Noxious Sub by Sea 96 1996 Rp463, 000
    78 IMO 490E International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001- BUNKER 2004 Rp413, 300
    79 IMO 500E Intl Convention for Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil 1954-OILPOL ( MAIN BOOK) 1981 Rp342, 300
    80 IMO 504E Intl Convention for Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954-SUPPLEMENT 1981 Rp313, 900
    81 IMO 508E Guidelines for Surveys under Annex II of MARPOL 73/ 78 1987 Rp3, 565, 600
    82 IMO 516E Provisions concerning the reporting of Incidents involving Harmful Substances under MARPOL73/ 78 1999 Rp384, 900
    83 IMO 520E MARPOL 73/ 78-Intl Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships( Consolidated 2006) 2006 Rp1, 733, 900
    84 IMO 525E MARPOL Amendments 2005ED Rp519, 800
    85 IMO 526E Guidelines for Surveys under Annex I of MARPOL 73/ 78 * * * * Out of print* * * * 1983 Rp356, 500
    86 IMO 530E ( CAS) Condition Assessment Scheme 2005 Rp519, 800
    87 IMO 532E The London Dumping Convention-The First Decade and Beyond * * * Refer to IMO A532E* * * 1991 Rp1, 002, 600
    88 IMO 545E PSSA - Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas 2007 Rp789, 600
    89 IMO 550E OPRC CONVENTION- Intl Conv on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response & Co-Operation1990 1991 Rp406, 200
    90 IMO 556E OPRC-HNS Protocol - Prepared/ Response/ Co-operateion to Pollution incidents by HNS, 2000 2002 Rp463, 000
    91 IMO 560E Manual on Oil Pollution Section II-Contingency Planning 1995 Rp448, 800
    92 IMO 566E Manual on Oil Pollution Section III-Salvage 1997 Rp448, 800
    93 IMO 569E Manual on Oil Pollution Section IV-Combating Oil Spills 2005 Rp739, 900
    94 IMO 572E Manual on Oil Pollution-Section V-Administrative Aspects of Oil Pollution Response 1998 Rp463, 000
    95 IMO 575E Guidelines on Oil Spill Dispersant Application including Environmental Considerations 1995 Rp448, 800
    96 IMO 578E Manual on Oil Pollution Section VI-Sampling & Identification of Oil Spills 1998 Rp434, 600
    97 IMO 579E Man on Oil Spill Risk Evaluation & Assessment of Response Preparedness, 2010 2010 Rp455, 900
    98 IMO 580E IMO/ UNEP Guidance Manual, 2009 2009 Rp526, 900
    99 IMO 584E Bioremediation in Marine Oil Spills 2004 Rp491, 400
    100 IMO 586E Guidelines for Development of Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans ( SOPEP) 3Ed2010 Rp470, 100
    101 IMO 590E IMO/ FAO Guidance on Managing Seafood Safety During and After Oil Spills 2003 Rp413, 300
    102 IMO 592E Recom Intl Stand Perf Test Treat 1977 Rp313, 900
    103 IMO 597E Comprehensive Manual on Port Reception Facilities 02Ed2009 Rp1, 002, 600
    104 IMO 598E Guidelines for Ensuring Adequacy of Port Waste Reception Facilities 2000 Rp448, 800
    105 IMO 617E Crude Oil Washing Systems 2000 Rp505, 600
    106 IMO 619E Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks 1982 Rp384, 900
    107 IMO 620M Ballast Water Management Convention 2004 2005 Rp413, 300
    108 IMO 621E Ballast Water Mgmt Conv & Guidelines for its implementation, 2009 2009 Rp484, 300
    109 IMO 630E Manual on Chemical Pollution Sect 1-Problem Assessment & Response Arrangements 1999 Rp491, 400
    110 IMO 633E Manual on Chemical Pollution Sect 2-Search/ Recover Packaged Goods Lost at Sea 2007 Rp519, 800
    111 IMO 636E MARPOL-How To Do It 2002 Rp739, 900
    112 IMO 646E Pollution Prevention Equipment required under MARPOL 2006 2006 Rp739, 900
    113 IMO 649E Field Guide for Oil Spill Response in Tropical Waters 1997 Rp491, 400
    114 IMO 650E Procedures for Port State Control / Control Of Ship & Discharge 2000 Rp519, 800
    115 IMO 653E Guidelines for the Provisional Assessment of Liquids Transported in Bulk 1997 Rp448, 800
    116 IMO 656E Guidelines for the Implementation of Annex V of MARPOL 2006 Rp470, 100
    117 IMO 661E Guide Control/ Mgmt Ships´ Ballast Water Minimize Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organ/ Pathogens 1998 Rp356, 500
    118 IMO 664E MARPOL Protocol 1997 - Annex VI-Regulation for the prevention of air pollution from ships 1998 Rp676, 000
    119 IMO 665E Bunkers Sampling Guidelines 2002 Rp363, 600
    120 IMO 680E Anti-Fouling Systems - Intl Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on ships 2005 Rp576, 600
    121 IMO 685E IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling 2006 Rp377, 800
    122 IMO 701E International Convention on Load Lines 1966 ( MAIN BOOK) - Consolidated Edition 2005 Rp796, 700
    123 IMO 713E International Conference on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969 1983 Rp356, 500
    124 IMO 721E Tonnage Measurement: Treatment of Shelter-Deck & Other " Open" Spaces 1964 Rp299, 700
    125 IMO 727B International Conference on Special Trade Passenger Ships 1971 1972 Rp356, 500
    126 IMO 734B International Conference on Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships 1973 1973 Rp356, 500
    127 IMO 772E BCH Code-Code for Construction/ Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk 08ED2005 Rp789, 600
    128 IMO 782E Code for the Construction/ Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk 1983 Rp420, 400
    129 IMO 788E Code for Existing Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk ( MAIN BOOK) 1976 Rp370, 700
    130 IMO 788E Code for Existing Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk ( MAIN BOOK) 1976 Rp370, 700
    131 IMO 791E Code for Existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk-SUPPLEMENT 1980 * * * * Out of Print* * * * 1980 Rp342, 300
    132 IMO 791E Code for Existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk-SUPPLEMENT 1980 * * * * Out of Print* * * * 1980 Rp342, 300
    133 IMO 793E Safety of Fishing Vessels 1977/ 1993 1995 Rp732, 800
    134 IMO 793E Safety of Fishing Vessels 1977/ 1993 1995 Rp732, 800
    135 IMO 805E Code of Safety for Dynamically Supported Craft 1978 Rp356, 500
    136 IMO 807E Guidelines for the Design & Construction of Offshore Supply Vessels 2007 Rp370, 700
    137 IMO 808E Code of Safety for Diving Systems 1995 1997 Rp356, 500
    138 IMO 811E Code for the Construction & Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units ( MODU Code) ( MAIN BOOK) 2001 Rp654, 700
    139 IMO 814E Noise Levels on board Ships 1982 Rp342, 300
    140 IMO 820E Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships 1984 Rp328, 100
    141 IMO 842E Recommend concern Fire Safety Req for Passenger Ships Carrying not more than 36 Passengers 1978 Rp313, 900
    142 IMO 844E Intl Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures ( FTP Code) 1998 Rp789, 600
    143 IMO 847E Graphical Symbols for Shipboard Fire Control Plans 2006 Rp463, 000
    144 IMO 849E Code on Intact Stability-AMENDMENT 1999 Rp328, 100
    145 IMO 858E Guidelines on Surveys required by the 1978 SOLAS Protocol, the IBC code & IGC Code 1987 Rp342, 300
    146 IMO 860E Inert Gas Systems 1990 Rp463, 000
    147 IMO 867E Code on Alarms & Indicators 1995 1996 Rp448, 800
    148 IMO 871E Explain notes to SOLAS Reg on Subdivision & Dam Stability of Cargo Ships of 100m in length & over 1993 Rp491, 400
    149 IMO 871E Explain notes to SOLAS Reg on Subdivision & Dam Stability of Cargo Ships of 100m in length & over 1993 Rp491, 400
    150 IMO 874E Code on Intact Stability for all types of ships covered by IMO Instruments ( Res A.749-18) ( Consolidated Edtn) 02ED2002 Rp491, 400
    151 IMO 877E Prevention of Corrosion on board ship, 2010 2010 Rp761, 200
    152 IMO 904E COLREG, Convention on the international Regulations for Preventing Collision At Sea, 1972 Consolidated Edt. 04ED2003 Rp519, 800
    153 IMO 908E International Safety Net Manual 2003 Rp519, 800
    154 IMO 910E Joint IMO/ IHO/ WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information-MSI 2003 Rp463, 000
    155 IMO 910M MSI ( Maritime Safety Information) Manual, 2010 2010 Rp654, 700
    156 IMO 915E STCW-Fishing Vessel Personnel 95 1996 Rp491, 400
    157 IMO 927E SHIP´ S ROUTEING ( Main Book) 2010 Rp3, 232, 000
    158 IMO 930E International Conference on the Establishment of an Intl Maritime Satellite System, 1975/ 76 ( MAIN BOOK) 1976 Rp392, 000
    159 IMO 934M International Maritime Satellite Organisation-85 AMENDMENTS to Convention/ Operating Agreement 1986 Rp342, 300
    160 IMO 938E-2011 STCW 95 Code With Amendment 1 & 2 ( MAIN BOOK) 2011 Rp1, 066, 500
    161 IMO 942M International Maritime Satellite Organisation-89 AMENDMENTS to Conventin & Operating Agreement 1989 Rp384, 900
    162 IMO 946E Pocket Guide to Cold Water Survival 2006 Rp349, 400
    163 IMO 948E FAO/ ILO/ IMO Document for Guidance on Training & Certification of Fishing Vessel Personnel 2001 Rp519, 800
    164 IMO 951E Navtex Manual 2005 Rp519, 800
    165 IMO 954E STCW 95- AMENDMENT 1 & 2 2001 Rp519, 800
    166 IMO 955E ( SAR Convention) Intl Convention on Maritime Search & Rescue, 1979 2006 Rp470, 100
    167 IMO 960E IAMSAR Manual Vol 1-Organization & Management 2010 Rp739, 900
    168 IMO 961E IAMSAR Manual Vol 2-Mission Co-ordination 2010 Rp1, 244, 000
    169 IMO 962E IAMSAR Manual Vol 3-Mobile Facilities ( Incorporated 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 Amendments) ( Replaces MERSAR & IMOSAR) 2010 Rp1, 045, 200
    170 IMO 968E Guidelines on Fatigue 01ED2002 Rp654, 700
    171 IMO 969E GMDSS Operating Guidance CARD NIL Rp313, 900
    172 IMO 970E GMDSS MANUAL- Global Maritime Distress & Safety System 2009 Rp2, 948, 000
    173 IMO 972E Workshop Material on Implementation of the Revised STCW Convention 1996 Rp463, 000
    174 IMO 973E Guide Develop Tables Seafarers´ Shipboard Work Arrange & Formats Records Seafarers Hr of Work 1999 Rp384, 900
    175 IMO 976E Perform Stand for Ship Radiocomm & Nav Equipment-AMENDMENT MAY/ DEC 2000 2000 Rp356, 500
    176 IMO 977E Performance Standards for Shipborne Radiocommunications & Navigational Equipment-AMENDMENTS 2000 2000 Rp463, 000
    177 IMO 978E Performance Standards for Shipborne Radiocommunications & Navigational Equipment ( MAIN BOOK) - Consolidated Edtn 2002 2011 Rp1, 719, 700
    178 IMO 981E Life-saving Appliances Symbols 2006 Rp470, 100
    179 IMO 982E International Life Saving Appliance ( LSA) Code 2003 Rp718, 600
    180 IMO 987E Standard Marine Communication Phrases SMCP ( Including CD-Rom 2004) 2002 Rp1, 329, 200
    181 IMO 990E Safety Provisions of Ocean Data Acquisition Systems, Aids & Devices 1972 Rp271, 300
    182 IMO 994E International Code of Signals ( IMO TYPE) 2005 Rp1, 577, 700
    183 IMO A532E 2003 Rp465, 840
    184 IMO A921E SHIP´ S ROUTEING - 2000-2002 Amendments 2003 Rp789, 600
    185 IMO A977E Performance Standards for Shipborne Radiocommunications & Navigational Equipment-AMENDMENTS 2001 2001 Rp463, 000
    186 IMO B921E Ship´ s Routeing - 2003 Amendments 2003 Rp356, 500
    187 IMO B964E IAMSAR Manual Vol 3-Amendment 2003 * * * Withdrawn on New IMO D964E* * * Withdrawn Rp356, 500
    188 IMO B977E Performance Standards for Shipborne Radiocommunications & Navigational Equipment-AMENDMENTS 2002-2004 2005 Rp519, 800
    189 IMO C921E Ship´ s Routeing - 2000, 2002 & 2003 Amendments 2004 Rp903, 200
    190 IMO114E Quantification Addendum: International Medical Guide for Ships 2010 Rp597, 900

    ( Updated 8 Oct 2011)

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