SAMOA OIL & GREASE EQUIPMENT ( PT.Altek Tirta Cemerlang)
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SAMOA OIL & GREASE EQUIPMENT ( PT.Altek Tirta Cemerlang)
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04 - HOSE REELSSamoa hose reels are used around the world and they have been designed to be premium
quality fluid reels. Properly positioned, a hose reel will increase productivity. Safety in the
shop is enhanced because hoses are retracted when not in use and so hoses trailing across
the floor are eliminated. Hose life is greatly extended since hoses are not dragged across the floor,
nor walked upon, nor driven since the hose is always ready at hand and can be retracted out of
the way when not in use.
Hose reels can be mounted on wall, ceiling, floor or on top of tanks, benches, etc. Samoa offers
a wide range of mounting accessories to help with the installation of an individual reel or a reel
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Tampilkan di setiap halaman
501 series Double arm hose reels

Harga: Call +62 852 1844 8902

Applications: Delivery of compressed air,
low pressure water, lubricants and grease
in vehicle maintenance centres, general
industry, agriculture, service stations, etc.

502 series individually enclosed hose reel

Harga: Call +62 852 1844 8902

Applications: Delivery of compressed air,
low and high pressure water, medium pressure
lubricants and high pressure grease in vehicle
maintenance centres, general industry,
504 Series Double pedestal hose reels

Harga: Call +62 852 1844 8902

Heavy Duty reinforced double pedestal hose reel for air, low and high pressure water, medium
pressure oil and high pressure grease. All metal construction, can handle up to 15 m ....
505 Series High capacity hose reels

Harga: Call +62 852 1844 8902

Heavy Duty reinforced double pedestal arm hose reel for low pressure air, water and Adblue ( DEF)
and medium pressure diesel and lubricants. All metal construction, can handle....
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