Prioritas Indotrade Tahun ke-17
Bahasa :
GE-601 / GE-612 / GE-620 / ASTM Thermometer Thermometer Glass, alcohol indicator, 30 cm length. GE-600 Thermometer Range 0 - 50oC GE-601 Thermometer Range 0 - 100oC GE-602....
BI-300A, Centrifuge Extractor Test Set ASTM D-2172 AASHTO T-164 For determining bitument content in hot mixed paving mixture and pavement sample Dimension ( l x w x h) : 60 x 40....
BI-250 Ductility of Bituminous Materials Test Set ASTM D-113 AASHTO T-51 For determining ductility of formed asphalt/ cement or semi solid bitument by measuring distance of....
BI-210A Softening Point Test Set ASTM D-36 AASHTO T-53 For determining softening point of asphalt and tar using the ring and ball method BI-211 Shouldered Ring Assembly Machined....
BI-110A Distilation Of Cutback Asphalts ASTM D-402 AASHTO T-78 For measuring the amount of the more volatile constituents in cut back asphaltic product BI-111 Flask Heat....
CE-175 COMPRESSION MACHINE ASTM C-109 For determining compressive strength of cement mortar For sample size 2" x 2" x 2" cube or 2" dia. x 4" height cylinder. Steel frame, 12" ....
AG-750 Aggregate Impact Test BS-812 For determining the aggregate impact value and resistance of aggregate to sudden shock or impact. AG-751 Impact Machine Heavy duty....
SO-130A Standard Penetration Test ASTM D-1586 AASHTO T-206 For driving a split barrel sampler to obtain a representative soil sample and measure the soil resistance to....
SO-515 Consolidation Test Set ASTM D-2435 AASHTO T-216 For determining the rate and magnitude of consolidation of soil when it is restrained laterally, loadded and drain axially.....
SO-140 Sample Extruder For extruding soil speciment from 68 mm sampling tube, welded steel, screw type. Supplied without sampling tube. Also required, but not part of this set: ....
SO-315 Plastic Limit Test Set ASTM D-4318 AASHTO T-90 For determining plastic limit of soil sample. SO-316 Plastic Limit Plate Glass made Consist of : SO-316.1 Reference Rod....
SO-280 TVA Penemometer Widely used in analyzing soil surface. SO-281 Penetration Rod and Chamber Steel pipe, 65 cm length with hydraulic chamber Consist of : SO-281.1 Penetration....
SO-450 Moisture Content Test Set For determining moisture content of soil sample. GE-150 Cent O-Gram Balance 311 gr cap., 0.01 gr sens 1 Pc GE-174 Drying Oven 53 ltr capacity, ....
SO-525 Direct Shear Test Set ASTM D-3080 AASHTO T-236 For determining shearing resistance of soil sample. SO-526 Loading MAchine Consist of : SO-526.1 Frame Welded steel frame....
AG-111 Gilson Sample Splitter Painted plate frame, alumunium chute, variable chute width, 1/ 2" increment ( 1/ 2" , 1" , 1 1/ 2" , 2" , etc) , supplied with pans. Dimension ( l x w x h) : ....
AG-180 Thickness Gauge BS-812 For determining the flakiness index of coarse aggregate. Galvanized metal sheet, hole size 100 x 33.9, 90 x 26.3, 80 x 19.7, 60 x 14.4, 50 x 10.2, ....
AG-621 Bottle Roller BS-812 ASTM C-117 Electric, 220 V, 100 Watt, 50 Hz, 1 Phase, 80 RPM. Supplied complete with 1 kg capacity glass jar. Dimension ( l x w x h) : 60 x 30 x 90 cm....
AG-920 Soundness Test Set ASTM C-88 AASHTO T-104 For determining aggregate resistance to desintegration by saturated solution of sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate. AG-921 Stock....
CE-170 Compression Machine ASTM C-109 For determining compressive strength of cement mortar For sample size 2" x 2" x 2" cube or 2" dia. x 4" height cylinder. Steel frame, 12" ....
GE-950 Mortar Mixer Heavy Duty Mixer Bench model, supplied complete with beaters. Technical Features: â � ¢ Wattage : 325 W â � ¢ Voltage: 220-240 V â � ¢ Hertz: 50-60 Hz â � ¢ Product....
CE-120 TIME OF SETTING OF HYDRAULIC CEMENT BY VICAT NEEDLE ASTM C-187/ C-191 AASHTO T-129/ T-133 For determining normal consistency and time of setting of hydraulic cement CE-121....
CE-160 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF HYDRAULIC CEMENT MORTAR ASTM C-109 AASHTO T-106 For determining compressive strength of hydraulic cement mortar by using 2" cube speciment CE-161....
CE-160A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF HYDRAULIC CEMENT MORTAR ASTM C-109, AASHTO T-106 For determining compressive strength of hydraulic cement mortar by using 2" cube mold CE-161 A....
BI-470 MOT STRAIGHT EDGE For measuring the irregulation of road surface both asphalt and concrete pavement BI-471 Mot Straight Alumunium profile, 3 meter length, with handle 1....
COâ � � 555 CALIBRATION ANVIL ASTM C-805 For periodic calibration of concrete test hammer CO-550, complete with hammer guide Dimension ( l x w x h) : 20 x 20 x 30 cm Gross Weight : ....
COâ � � 500 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY IN CONCRETE TEST SET For measuring average axial deformation of concrete cylindrical sample during compression test, cast alumunium, dial indicator....
BI-100 SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SEMIâ � � SOLID BITUMINOUS MATERIALS ASTM D-70 AASHTO T-228 For determining the specific gravity of semi-solid bituminous materials, asphalt cement, and....
BI-230A LABORATORY PENETRATION TEST SET ASTM D-5, AASHTO T-49 For determining consistency of bituminous materials BI-231A Penetrometer Electric control box, 220 V-AC variable....
SO-250 PLATE BEARING TEST SET ASTM D-1194 AASHTO T-235 For determining ultimate bearing capacity of soil on place by means of field loading test. SO-251A Hydraulic Jack 50 tons....
CO-410 VIBRATING TABLE Steel construction 50 x 50 cm table Separated control box, variabel speed up to 3.600 rpm. For compacting aggregate in steel container or concrete sample....
SO-360B LABORATORY CBR TEST SET ASTM D-1883, AASHTO T-193 For determining the bearing ratio of soil. SO-361B Mechanical Loading Machine Steel frame, hand operated, two speeds, ....
Triple Beam Balance, OHAUS 750 SW Special Features The Ohaus Triple Beam Balance ( 750-SW) is well-equipped to handle any weighing job, whether you ´ re weighing solids, liquids, ....
Hydraulic Cylinder GE-681 Hydraulic Cylinder 30 capacity GE-682 Hydraulic Cylinder 50 capacity GE-683 Hydraulic Cylinder 100 capacity GE-684 Hydraulic Cylinder 150 capacity GE....
GE-174 / GE-191 / GE-200 Oven ( Memmert) Universal oven, double walled metal shield. temperature range from room temperature t0 200oC GE-171 Drying Oven 14 ltr capacity, internal....
BI-220A Loss on Heating/ Thin-Film Test ASTM D-6/ D-1754 AASHTO T-47/ T-179 For determining the loss in mass ( exclusive of water) of asphaltic compounds after heating BI-221....
BI-150A Saybolt Viscosimeter ASTM D-88 AASHTO T-72 For determining saybolt viscosity of petroleum products at specified temperature between 21.1 and 98.8 C. BI-151 Viscosimeter....
GE-150 / GE-152 / GE-157 / GE-159 / GE-161 Cent O-Gram Balance GE-150 Cent O-Gram Balance 311 gr capacity 0.01 sensitivity GE-151 Cent O-Gram Balance 311 gr capacity 0.01....
GE-101.6 / GE-137 / GE-140 Proving Ring Precision measuring device, high grade steel with plated finishing 3/ 4" tapped hole at both end. Supplied complete with dial and....
Liquid Limit Test Set ASTM D-4318 AASHTO T-89 For determining liquit limit of soil sample. SO-311 Liquid Limit Device Hand operated, brass cup, hard rubber base 1 Set SO-312 ASTM....
MI-130 Rain Gauge Bucket type 100 cm2 mouth area, made of metal sheet, supplied complete with measuring glass with special scale.
AG-700 Los Angeles Abrassion Machine ASTM C-131 AASHTO T-96 For measuring degradation of mineral aggregates from abrassion, impact and grinding. AG-701 Los Angeles Abrassion....
CO-400 Air Content of Fresh Mixed Concrete ASTM C-231 AASHTO T-152 For determining the air content of freshly mixed concrete from observation of the change in volume of concrete....
LABORATORY TEST SIEVE Coarse Series ; AG-200 A Sieve 4" Mesh 101.6 mm opening AG-201 A Sieve 3 1/ 2" Mesh 88.9 mm opening AG-202 A Sieve 3" Mesh 76.2 mm opening AG-203 A ....
SO-150 A, DYNAMIC CONE PENETROMETER For rapid determination of field CBR value ( rapid quality control) . SO-151 Handle Stainless steel 1 Pc SO-152 Hammer Machined steel, Painted, ....
HAND BOR ( SO-110A) Drilling for soil sampling preparation. SO-111 Drilling Rod Solid bar, 1mtr length, 1 1/ 4" dia 10 Pcs SO-112 Iwan Type Auger Welded steel, two radial blades, 4....
SO-338 Mechanical End Over End Shaker BS-1377 Electric, 220 V/ 50 Hz, 1 Phase, 50 RPM. Supplied complete with 2 glass jar 1000 ml and rubber bungs Dimension ( l x w x h) : 40 x....
SO-395 A Compaction Permeameter Test Set For determining coefficient of permeability of compacted soil sample. SO-395 Compaction Permeameter 1/ 13.33 cu. ft. mold, 6" i.d., inlet....