Keterangan :
Fungsi : untuk mengukur COD, angka kebutuhan oxygen secara kimia dalam air
COD meter set, paket yang lengkap, siap pakai dan free training untuk daerah tertentu
complete Unit COD Laboratory Set : ( ready to use )
- Photometer
- Tubetest Heater
- Test Tube Rack
- mcropipette
Optional Reagent Test :
Reagent Test : ( 20 test/ pack)
available mercury free and economic package w/ mercury
 ST-COD sealed tubes
ready for use
 Suppression of
chloride interference
up to 1000 mg/ l
 3 ranges:
Low range:
0 - 150 mg/ l,
meets ISO 15705: 2002
Middle range:
0 - 1500 mg/ l,
meets ISO 15705: 2002
High range:
0 - 15000
Waste water parameter COD
The chemical oxygen demand, ST-COD value, of
water as determined by this dichromate method
can be considered as an estimate of the theoretical
oxygen demand, i.e. the amount of oxygen consumed
in total chemical oxidation of the organic
constituents present in the water.
Setup CheckitDirect COD VARIO
The Lovibond® CheckitDirect COD VARIO test
setup allows highly sensitive and precise water
testing with minimum effort. It measures the
ST-COD concentration by photometric
detection employing a linear relationship
between absorbance and concentration.
After adding the sample to a Lovibond® COD
VARIO tube test ( LR, MR according to ISO
15705: 2002) , it is heated in the reactor and
then analysed in the CheckitDirect COD VARIO
The COD-Setup comprises the CheckitDirect COD
vario photometer, 25 tube tests for each of the
two lower measuring ranges, a reactor for sample
digestion, and a vial stand.