Anggota Gratis

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Batu Pecah ( Split) , Abu Batu[21 Jun. 2011, 15:32:35]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTunai
Kemas & PengirimanTongkang
We are partners who concentrate mining digging C, which in centralizing in the regions of West Java ( Serang, Cilegon, Banten) , near the port of loading, is one of the areas that have raw materials Andesit the best based on the results of lab SNI. Besides quorey our region is very strategic for delivery to the region of Borneo and Indonesia' s East region in general, the region does not have a source of stones sufficient and good quality. Where will the need for infrastructure development, Local Government and Private facilities such as the development is making good prasara Bridges, Roads, pier, Platform Aircraft and Improved Reclamation Beach to the creation of the foundation of refinery and office buildings and factories, demanded that the materials of sand and stone quality. The specification of Materials We are as follows:

Boulder Elepant Stone ( Batu Gajah)
This type of material used for many of the areas or the lips marshy coast, the waves, reklmasi beach and pier making simple and the foundation stone for cereal.

Base Course ( Second Tier)
This type of material used to coat the second / third of an area that will be dumped, where land has been basically stable enough.

This material widely used both for the overlays, where land is less than originally stable. Sirtu the best location is from the village Loli, because it contains a mixture of red soil as an adhesive.

Split Stone / Stone Pecah ( 30-50mm)
This material is usually used for body dasara road before using other materials, buffer cushion the train, cover the loads on the seabed pipes, etc..

Split Stone / Stone Pecah ( 20-30 mm)
This material widely used for the floor work, molding / pembetonan horizontal.

Split Stone / Stone Pecah ( 10-20mm)
This type of material used for all kinds of construction ranging from light to heavy construction. Ie: Toll Road, Building, the Platform Flights Air, Rail cushion, and the harbor pier, piling and bridge, etc.

Screening ( 5 -10 mm)
This type of material used to mix in the process pengaspalan road, from the way that light the way to class-1 ( Mixed Asphalt Plant)

Abu Stone ( 0-5 mm)
Many of this type of material needed to mix in the process pengaspalan and can be used as a substitute for sand. This material is the main material of the gorong-gorong and Batako Press.

Aggregate A, B
The type of material is a mixture of split stone, gray stone and sand, mixed on request / needs and projects depending on needs.
The material is as follows:
1. Pecah Stone Materials Price: Rp. 125, 000.00 on the barge Gisborne / Guard
2.Harga Abu Stone Materials: Rp. 125, 000.00 on the barge Gisborne / Guard

3. C & F we also serve
4. The composition of the mixture of materials in accordance with the Mix design has been agree upon.
The price of all materials in the unit Cubic Meters ( M3)
The terms and conditions of payment are as follows:
1. I payment 50% Down payment on signing the contract.
2. Payment II, 25% loaded during the start
3. Payment III 25% Pelunasan when the ship ready to depart.
4. Prices above apply since the date of 01 September 2008.
4. Cost Management dismantle EA ( PBM) , Manpower dismantle EA ( TKBM) and Services pier fully covered by the Buyer
Therefore we Quotes This, of the attention we say thank you.
( Rates can be changed without prior notice)

Contack 081578884132