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PT. Indonesia Timbangan Digital

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PT. Indonesia Timbangan Digital
  • Katalog Produk

    Programmable Keyboard KB 78 M dan KB 68 D

    Programmable Keyboard KB 78 M dan KB 68 D

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Cara Pembayaran:
    Transfer Bank (T/T)
    Kemas & Pengiriman:
    PT. Indonesia Timbangan Digital

    Keterangan :

    The KB-78 / 68 keyboard provides 78 or 68 keys all of which can be custom programmed. Using the menu driven utility software provided, the keys can be easily programmed ranging from one character definition to control the keys with string key definitions with up to sixteen data characters per key. This utility software also allows for the custom layout to be saved and retrieved for modification or programming multiple keyboards.

    All the programmable keys are re-legendable and each programmed key is stored in the keyboard memory. The keyboard will accept singe, dual and quadruple key caps. Integrated bar code interface and magnetic stripe readers, MSR ( up to three tracks) are all available options.

    The KB-78 / 68 keyboard uses a membrane technology that creates a spill resistant and durable design which makes it suitable for almost any environment. This membrane has been tested with up to 10 million key presses. KB78 comes with a key lock which can be programmed.

    Partner Tech KB-78M / KB-68D Keyboard

    � Spill resistant, with tested 10 million key presses.
    � Keys can be programmed with up to 16 characters.
    � Optional barcode reader interface and magnetic stripe reader.
    � Spill resistant - making it suitable for almost any environment.
    � Comes with key lock that can be programmed for management purposes.
    � All 78 key can be custom programmed.
    � Comes with utility software to custom-program the keyboard.

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