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Multimedia Sand Filter & Activated Carbon Filter
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Multimedia Sand Filter & Activated Carbon Filter

Multi-media Sand Filter for Sediment Removal

About Multi-Media Filtration :
These filters contain several types of media and gravel underbedding. Multi-media filtration is a proven design concept ; the coarse media layers in the top of the tank trap large particles and
successively smaller particles are trapped in the finer layers of media deeper in the bed. The result is a highly efficient filtering since removal takes place throughout the entire bed. Multi-Media depth filters typically remove particles 10-15 microns in size or larger. All media included in our filters are carefully selected according to particle size, so the media retains its stratification during backwash and rinse. Automatic or Manual backwashing system removes the trapped contaminants within the filter bed and washes them down the drain.

Dechlorination, Organic, Color, Taste and Odor Removal
‘ ACF’ Activated Carbon Filters - Granular Activated Carbon ( GAC) is designed for the reduction of tastes, odors, and dissolved organic material from municipal and industrial water supplies. The most common application is the removal of free chlorine from water supplies as pre-treatment to other water treatment systems such as reverse osmosis. Inlet water to activated carbon systems should be relatively free of oil, turbidity, and iron for optimal performance. Numerous types of activated carbon are available for specialty applications including chloramine removal.

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